  • 學位論文


Depth of Field Rendering with Binocular Image

指導教授 : 莊永裕


淺景深(shallow focus)是一種用於呈現攝影主題的特殊拍攝效果,其原理是透過控制景深(Depth-of-Field)大小,來模糊化主題以外的資訊,使得人們的注意力聚焦在攝影師所要呈現的物體或人像上,以產生特殊的美感體驗。但由於一般低價位數位相機硬體構造上限制,無法呈現出類似高價位單眼相機所產生的淺景深效果。而近年來3D攝影器材日益普及,著眼於此,我們提出了一個利用雙眼照片(Binocular Image)來模擬單眼相機拍淺攝景深效果的系統,首先利用雙眼照片計算出深度資訊,再依據圖片的不同深度施加不同程度的濾波器,實現讓使用者能夠自由調整對焦物體的目標,同時,我們也提供一個簡單的互動式介面讓使用者能夠方便地操作相片。


景深 雙眼相片


Shallow focus is a kind of photographic technique to emphasize specific objects in a scene. By controlling the size of depth-of-field(DOF) of a camera, objects outside DOF can be blurred, this technique enables photographers to highlight some parts inside a scene, and achieve artistic purposes. However, a common digital camera cannot produce such special effect like a Digital Single Lens Reflex(DSLR) camera does, due to its limitations on aperture and focal length. As 3D filming equipment become more popular and ubiquitous, we develop an system to synthesize shallow focus effect on binocular images, first, we extract depth information from binocular images, then apply a depth-aware filter on the image, thus users are capable of refocusing on any depth of the image, finally, we provide an interactive user interface to let user manipulate the image easily.


depth binocular shallow focus


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