  • 學位論文


A Study on the Co-opetition Behavior of the Flat Panel TV Set Industry in USA

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 廖咸興


全球平板電視機銷售量自2004年開始快速成長;而美國平板電視機市場從2004~2009年短短六年間,滲透率從10%快速成長至94%;銷售量也高佔全世界總銷售量的25%~30%。美國是全世界最重要、競爭最激烈的市場。 在2007年以前,美國的電視機市場幾乎全由SONY、SHARP、SAMSUNG、PHILIPS等家電品牌巨人所瓜分;其他為數眾多二、三線品牌只能分食極小的市場。然而,VIZIO卻能在強敵環伺中異軍突起,打敗一線家電品牌,在2007年Q2,首度拿下全美電視機市場的銷售冠軍。 一線品牌大廠面對突如其來的VIZIO風暴,首先先以價格割喉戰與VIZIO拼鬥,再聯合減少對VIZIO的面板供貨量,使其在市場上無法大量供貨。VIZIO在這樣的雙重夾擊之下,短暫地被趕出前三名,但卻又能很快地捲土重來,再度擠回銷售排名的前三大,而且還在2009年Q1重新奪回全美銷售量冠軍的寶座;接續的幾年下來,VIZIO始終能夠保持全美電視機品牌市占率的前三名。 VIZIO能在此一競爭激烈的市場中,從無到有、打敗群雄,而且還能保持戰果,著實難能可貴。本研究以五力分析探討VIZIO所處的競爭環境及其因應策略;再以競合理論,探討美國平板電視市場的競爭賽局,以及VIZIO如何以互補性的思考,改變整個賽局,並從中獲取最大的利益。


Flat panel TV has been in a rapid growth period from 2004. The penertration rate of flat panel TV in the U.S. has rapidily increased from 10% to 94% from 2004 to 2009. The sales of flat panel TV in the U.S. has reached to 25~30% of the global sales. It goes without saying that the U.S. market is the most important and competitive market in the world. Before 2007, the majority of the U.S. flat panel TV market was occupied by some 1st-tier brands such like SONY, SHARP, SAMSUNG, and PHILIPS. Only few part of the maket share was left to several 2nd-, or 3rd-tier TV brands. However, VIZIO, as a new comer, dramatically broke up this balance. Not only steps out from the numerous 2nd-tier brands, VIZIO but also defeats the 1st-tier brands. In the 2nd quarter of 2007, VIZIO topped all other manufacturers as the #1 selling brand of flat panel TVs in the U.S. It was called as “the VIZIO shock”. To fight against “the VIZIO shock”, the 1st-tier brands had launched a competitive pricing war, and cut ths supplies of the flat panels for VIZIO. Under this circumstance, VIZIO was expelled out of the top 3 leading brands of sales. However, VIZIO miraculously returned back to the group of leading brands in a very short time. In 2009 Q1, VIZIO won the the #1 selling brand of flat panel TVs again. Till now, VIZIO still remains one of the top 3 best selling brands of flat panel TVs in the U.S. market. Under the extremely keen competition, it is very rare and commendable for a new comer like VIZIO to get and keep this great achievement from a scratch. The purpose of this study is to figure out VIZIO’s key success factors, and the co-opetition behavior of the flat panel TV market in USA. This study starts assessing the competition status of the TV industry by Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. Then studying how VIZIO changed the competition relationship into co-optetion with the other parties in this industry. VIZIO benefits greatly by changing the competitive business game into co-optetive business game.


