  • 學位論文

Iris M. Young論差異政治、民主與社會正義

Iris M. Young on Politics of Difference, Democracy and Social Justice

指導教授 : 江宜樺


本文企圖以當代極具影響力的美國政治哲學家Iris M. Young對於社會結構的批判視角為主軸,探究她如何以具體改善弱勢群體的處境為核心關懷,建立起一套直接面對社會結構的政治思想。本文所持的論點在於:Young雖然以差異政治聞名學界,然而其政治思想卻與同樣關注社會群體及群體差異的認同政治或多元文化主義有所不同。最大的差別在於,Young政治思想著眼於探究社會中潛藏的支配性規範如何透過社會結構的運作,使某些個人或群體遭受壓迫和支配。她將這樣的現象稱為結構性不正義,進而提倡以正視群體差異為核心的差異政治、涵容式民主與對正義的責任,作為矯正結構性不正義的實踐策略,並以此建構理想的新社會關係。相較於此,認同政治與多元文化主義則聚焦於文化性不正義議題,並主張以承認群體認同和少數文化作為主要的矯正策略。然而,近來學術界經常將Young政治思想與認同政治或多元文化主義混為一談,進而誤解其核心關懷與終極目標。因此,本文在透過直接面對社會結構之理解途徑重新詮釋Young政治思想的同時,也試圖替她澄清若干誤解,以還原其思想原本的面貌。


社會結構 差異政治 民主 責任 社會正義


The central purpose of this thesis is to explore the political philosophy of Iris M. Young, one of the most influential contemporary American philosophers, and to point out that her main idea and core concern were quite different from identity politics or multiculturalism. Young’s political philosophy concerned about improving the situation of disadvantaged groups from a critical perspective on social structures. To remedy the structural injustice, Young conceived and advocated politics of difference, inclusive democracy and responsibility for justice, and thereby constructed the image of ideal social relationships. These remedies requested to attend and affirm group differences which had been ignored even suppressed by the ruling norms. By contrast, identity politics and multiculturalism were focus on cultural injustice issues, and claimed for recognizing group identities and minority cultures. However, recent studies tend to confuse the distinction between Young’s political philosophy and identity politics or multiculturalism, which brings about many misunderstandings and incorrect criticisms. Therefore, this thesis attempts not only to reinterpret Young’s political philosophy but also to clarify certain misunderstandings.


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