  • 學位論文


A Study in Default Factors of Residential Mortgage Loans and Bank Revenue

指導教授 : 王泓仁
共同指導教授 : 李怡庭 陳南光(Nan-Kuang Chen)


隨著 1990 年代台灣金融改革、 自由化至今 , 銀行業不斷面臨全球化衝擊及挑戰 , 如何在高度競爭的環境下控管風險並創造收益是所有銀行不容忽視的議題。 目前台灣銀行業仍以房屋貸款為主要的放款業務及獲利來源之一是以房屋貸款的授信風險管理更顯重要 , 積極提升授信品質 , 降低倒帳風險及呆帳問題已成為銀行提升績效的首要考量。 本研究以國內某商業銀行全國各分行之房屋貸款案件為研究對象 , 蒐集 10,040 筆資料 , 試圖結合目前金融業實務探討房屋貸款授信審核之重要評估因素。 實證研究發現貸款利率、 貸款成數、 貸款金額、 借款戶性別與房屋貸款違約機率呈現顯著正相關 , 而借款戶年所得、 借款戶教育水準、 借款戶信用評分、 借款戶職業別、 擔保品鑑估值及所在區域與房屋貸款違約機率呈現顯著負相關。 另外 , 藉由銀行期望獲利公式與相關變數之探討可發現 , 針對低貸款成數之房屋貸款客戶 , 貸款成數的調整可使銀行預期利潤極大化 , 然而若考量較高之擔保品處分成本 , 則貸款成數增福對銀行預期利潤之影響有限。 此外 , 相較於一般借款戶 , 軍公教族群房屋貸款成數可調整之增幅較全體樣本高約 10%-15% 。 關鍵詞 : 授信評估、 違約風險、 房屋貸款、 羅吉斯迴歸


Residential mortgage loans take most parts of consumer loan business and have been a main source of Bank profit in Taiwan. Credit risk management of housing loans thus become an important issue for financial institutions. How to deal with non-performing loan problems and reduce the default probability are no doubt the first step of well controlling the risk and raising the quality of loans. This research aims to identify the loan characteristics which are predictive of loan defaults, and fit the relationship between default rates and bank expected profit. We collected 10040 mortgage loans from a domestic commercial bank as research samples and employed Logistic regression model for testing the significance of variables. From the empirical results, the loan characteristics with forecasting power include loan-to-value ratios, annual income,gender,occupation and educational level of borrowing applicants,and collateral value. By the counter-factual analysis,we also find that raising loan-to-value ratios can ba a tool of increasing loan profit for banks,especially for borrowers who apply for low loan-to-value ratios.


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