  • 學位論文


CoReg: Improving One-Class Collaborative Filtering via Co-Cluster Regularization

指導教授 : 鄭卜壬




Although Matrix Factorization (MF) has been the dominant approach in One-Class Collaborative Filtering (OCCF) problems, the user-user relationship and item-item relationship are not directly captured. The similarity computation plays the key role in discovering user-user relationship and item-item relationship. However, due to the high sparsity of feedback matrix, computing similarity regarding the entire behavior vector leads to the difficulty of finding high-quality neighbors of users and items. To this end, finding user-item subgroups by applying co-clustering techniques to the feedback matrix is an option. Nevertheless, most of the previous work applies a CF model locally and independently inside each discovered user-item subgroup, which makes ranking-oriented CF models fail to learn the preference differences between items which are not grouped into the same user-item subgroups. To deal with this problem, we propose a new framework Co-Cluster Regularization (CoReg), which seamlessly combines the well-known Manifold Regularization with user-item co-clusters. Compared to Manifold Regularization, CoReg simultaneously reduces the risk of drawing noisy neighbors and computation overhead. Experimental results show that CoReg not only reinforces the user-user relationship and item-item relationship of MF, but also serves as the better way to boost the performance of OCCF models by utilizing user-item co-clustering.


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