  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Two Alternative Methods to Measure Germination Rate of Rice Seeds

指導教授 : 陳凱儀


水稻種子休眠與穗上發芽性狀的檢定通常需要進行大量的種子計數,以及辨識發芽種子與未發芽種子而十分費工。本試驗目的為評估兩種方法替代種子計數的可行性。選擇的兩個方法分別是使用快速黏度檢測法 (Rapid Viscosity Analysis, RVA) 與α-澱粉酶 (α-amylase) 的活性檢定。實驗結果顯示,不同品種水稻種子於不同泡水時間長度處理後,所測量的RVA各項參數並沒有隨著泡水時間增加而顯現一致升高或降低的趨勢。水稻種子內的α-澱粉酶活性雖然會隨著泡水時間增長而提高,但是本次試驗使用的60個水稻品種之間,種子泡水七天測得的發芽率與種子經不同時間長度的泡水處理後取得的α-澱粉酶活性並無明顯相關性。


Evaluation of seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting in rice often counts a large number of seeds and it is a labor-intensive work to distinguish germinated seeds from those not germinated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate feasibility of two methods replacing seeds counting. These two methods were Rapid Viscosity Analysis (RVA) and measurement of α-amylase activity. Experimental data suggested that all of RVA parameters under different imbibition treatments showed no consistent trends to increase or to decrease. While α-amylase activity consistently increases along the length of imbibition in germinating rice seeds, no significant correlation was found between the seed germination rate of 7DAI (days after imbibition) and α-amylase activity at each of different DAI treatments among 60 rice varieties used in this study.


Rice Germination rate RVA α-amylase


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