  • 學位論文


Literati editors and Poetic headlines --- the gatekeepers’ perspective

指導教授 : 林麗雲 陳順孝


在1960年代到1980年代的臺灣民營報紙社會版,一直是文人編輯與詩化標題的活躍舞台,但這近三十年間的臺灣社會卻是以白話文為主。本研究旨在探討過去民營報紙社會版編輯的守門特質,以期了解:究竟是哪些因素影響,使得他們願意運用駢四儷六的對仗文句或是詩詞歌曲等古典美文來下標。 本論文主要採用的研究方法是深度訪談法和文獻分析法。筆者希望在直接與受訪者接觸的深度訪談中,了解曾任職於《聯合報》和《中國時報》的社會版編輯的實務操作,並且在間接的文獻資料中驗證訪談內容,補足訪談的不足。 研究結果發現:影響過去社會新聞版編輯運用古典美學文字下標的主要因素,大致可以分為:時代背景、報業環境與編輯個人等三個方面來探討。 第一是時代背景,包括政治、經濟和社會、文化等四個因素。從外在大環境的影響,在政治高壓、經濟成長、社會變遷、文化懷舊的氛圍下,使得文人編輯積極擺脫僵化的政治新聞版面,而寄情於有血有肉、生動活潑的社會新聞,並且「藉別人的血淚故事,寫我胸中的塊壘。」來抒發自己的憂愁幽思,做出具有文學美感的詩化標題以吸引讀者。 第二是報業環境,包含報業外部環境以及報業內部環境的影響。在報業環境層次中發現:組織文化與報社老闆是影響報紙重視社會新聞詩化標題的推手。而也正是因為社會版面能吸引廣大的讀者群,提昇閱報率,進而帶來廣告收益,所以民營報社老闆基於「愛財」與「愛才」的雙重心理,對於詩化標題報以欣賞與肯定的態度,而決定以發展社會版為主要目標,讓文人編輯有更大的自由揮灑的表現空間。 第三是編輯個人,包含家庭背景、教育背景、文人特質、學習與傳承、工作經歷、報社職業生涯轉折和新聞信念等因素的影響。文人編輯個人背景條件的影響之外,製作詩化標題最緊要的個人因素在於:多才、好文的特質和對追求文字美感的執著與努力。雖然「愛美,是人類的天性」,但是「好逸惡勞,也是人類的天性」,如果少了那一份對文字美感的追求與堅持,在編務的緊湊繁忙之中,編輯人往往就會因循苟且、草草了事。那麼,我們當然就不會看到這些嘔心瀝血的古典美學佳作,更不用說「再現世紀末的最後風華」了。


During 1960 to 1980, the social pages of the newspapers were edited by the literati editors. They wrote poetic headlines; however, the publics in Taiwan used general language. This thesis is about the characteristics of the editors who edited the social pages in the past. The thesis explores the factors that affected the editors to use the parallel sentences. The research method of this thesis is an in-depth interview approach. Furthermore, I confirmed the contents of the depth interview through past researches so that I could know more about the history of the literati editors and the poetic headlines. The research found that the factors which affected the editors of the social pages were the social contexts, the newspaper industry and the editors themselves. First, the contextual factors included politics, economics and the social culture. Because the literati editors were under autocratic politics, the growing economic and the changing social culture, they abstained from the rigid political pages. They enjoyed writing the parallel headlines in the social pages and tried to attract more readers. Second, the factors of the newspaper industry included the external newspaper condition and the internal newspaper condition. I found that the organizational culture and the publishers (owners) affected the literati editors and poetic headlines most. Because social pages could attract lots of readers, the owners of the newspaper offices devoted themselves to develop social pages. In this way, they could earn more profit from the advertisement income. Third, the factors of the editors themselves included their family, education backgrounds, literati character, learning, tutoring, working experiences, career turning points and belief. These factors made the literati editors fond of poetic headlines. In conclusion, these factors affected the literati editors and poetic headlines. During 1960 to 1980, the poetic headlines were very popular in the social pages of the newspaper.


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