  • 學位論文


Resolving evolutionary radiation in Berberis sect. Wallichianae of Taiwan using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq)

指導教授 : 鍾國芳 陳凱儀


臺灣的瓦氏組小檗 (Berberis sect. Wallchianae) 生長於中高海拔山區,Yu & Chung (2014: Phytotaxa 184: 61–99) 人依其外觀形態的差異分為11個種類。大部分的種類有明顯的地理區隔,僅有少部分為同域分布;使用葉綠體片段重建分子親緣關係,結果支持臺灣產所有種類皆為特有種。但由於快速輻射演化而導致DNA累積變異不足,種間關係並無解析度。在本研究取樣所有臺灣瓦氏組小檗種類 (花蓮小檗、長葉小檗、高山小檗、清水山小檗、早田氏小檗、臺灣小檗、眠月小檗、南投小檗、南臺灣小檗、神武小檗和太魯閣小檗) 、菲律賓小檗,以中國大陸產的小檗作為外群,首次使用限制酶位點標定之核酸定序法 (RAD-Seq) 得到大量資料,從中篩選出32,505個單核苷酸多態性 (SNPs) 重建高支持度的分子親緣關係樹。結果顯示臺灣的所有種類可分為三大譜系,並能各自對應特殊外觀形態和地理分布。除了台灣小檗和南臺灣小檗的關係有待釐清以外,分子親緣關係結果皆支持Yu & Chung (2014) 以外觀形態所定義的種,並且支持高地小檗和B. morii sp. nov.為新種。結合末次冰盛期的物種分布模擬和染色體觀察結果 (無多倍體化現象,皆為2n=28),推論臺灣瓦氏組小檗的種化機制,主要受地理區隔影響。此結果亦證實RAD-Seq的資料,有助於重建快速分化譜系的分子親緣關係。


Berberis sect. Wallichianae in Taiwan can be found in subalpine and montane-temperate areas. Most of them are morphologically and ecologically different, only few are sympatry. Previous phylogenetic study (2014: Phytotaxa 184: 61–99) based on three chloroplast DNA sequences region strongly support them, 11 species, as a monophyletic group endemic to Taiwan, but the phylogenetic relationship among them in the radiation are unresolved. Here we sample all of Taiwanese endemic species (i.e., B. aristatoserrulata, B. brevisepala, B. chingshuiensis, B. hayatana, B. kawakamii, B. mingetsensis, B. nantoensis, B. pengii, B. ravenii, B. schaaliae, and B. tarokoensis) and endemic species from Philippines and China, as the out groups. We constructed a well-supported phylogenetic tree based on 32,505 SNPs filtered from RAD-Seq data. The lineage of three group corresponding to geographic and morphological data. Except for the argument between B. kawakmii and B. pengii, the phylogenetic tree confirmed the delimitations of previous species and two new species (B. alpicola and B. morii sp. nov.). With the results of species niche modeling (Last glacial period) and chromosome number (2n=28), we infer to main speciation by geographic isolation. The result also confirms the utility of RAD-Seq data for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships in young and rapid lineages.


Rapid radiation Berberis Taiwan RAD-Seq


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