  • 學位論文


Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Investigations into Step Induced Junctions and Boundaries in Few-Layer MoS2

指導教授 : 林敏聰




Since the first successful exfoliation of graphene, a great variety of 2D materials have been found and attracted much attention for their appealing properties. One of which is MoS2, belonging to a branch called transition metal dichalocogenides (TMDs) and well known for its intrinsic semiconducting bandgap. As MoS2 bandgap is sensitive to thickness, lateral heterojunctions (HJs) base on the same material are achievable and play an important role in applications in electronic/optoelectronic devices. In this thesis, MoS2 multilayer structures were found on a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown MoS2 on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrates and investigated by the techniques of scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). Triangular spiral structure and layer-by-layer (LBL) triangular structure coexist on this sample. Analysis on defect orientation confirms the stacking configuraion of the spiral as rhombohedral (2R/3R). Furthermore, the existence of multilayer structure also implies we could found lateral heterojunctions (HJs). Here we show the real space imaging of electronic structures in lateral monolayer (ML)-bilayer (BL)- tri-layer (TL) HJs, continuous BL- ML-BL HJs and a comparison case of monolayer MoS2 across a HOPG step. The second system consisting of slipped edges is different from conventional semiconductor in band alignments. Considering the in-plane transport property and high MoS2 mobility at room temperatue, we expect that this novel class of junctions could provide us a feasible solution for novel electronic and optoelectronic devices.


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