  • 學位論文

窄頻寬紅外線照射對阿拉伯芥基因表現及光合作用中 PEP 酵素活性之影響

Effect of Narrow Bandwidth Infrared Radiation on the Gene Expression of Arabidopsis thaliana and PEPC Activity in Photosynthesis

指導教授 : 李嗣涔


本研究的第一個目的,是設計一種紅外線發射器,利用其所發出的窄頻寬的紅外線去照射阿拉伯芥72小時,比較在阿拉伯芥受紅外光激發有反應的基因中,NPQ4和PSAK這兩個反應基因對哪個特定波段的紅外光最敏感,即哪個波段最能誘導反應基因作反應。而第二個實驗的目的,是採用特定波段的紅外光照射對光合作用中PEP酵素活性的影響,以試圖了解紅外光照射對光合作用的影響。本研究使用的紅外線發射器,是依據表面電漿子原理製作,此紅外光源結構是在矽基板上鍍上鉬金屬,再鍍上銀/二氧化矽/銀三層薄膜,而最上層的銀穿透週期排列的孔洞,藉由鉬金屬通電流加熱,此結構便會發出窄頻寬高功率的紅外光;第一個實驗中,由RT-PCR分析結果顯示,發射器波長在4.5μm的紅外光,對PSAK這個基因的激發最顯著;而NPQ4這個基因則是受到發射器波長在4.2μm的紅外光影響較大。第二個實驗結果中,發現紅外光會讓PEP酵素活性提升30~50%,並且隨著發射光強度越高而有較高的提升率。PEP酵素活性受到發射器波長在4.3, 5.0及5.9μm的紅外光照射有最顯著的提升。照射紅外光後,PEP酵素的活性都提升了,表示紅外光照射可能對C4和CAM植物中二氧化碳的固定有幫助,進而提升光合作用效率。


The purpose of this study is to study the infrared irradiation effect on the gene expression of Arabidopsis thaliana and the PEP activity in photosynthesis. The narrow bandwidth plasmonic thermal emitter with specific emission waveband were designed and used to irradiate Arabidopsis for 72 hours, in order to identify the specific wavelength that induces the gene expression the most, that is, the NPQ4 and PSAK genes. Infrared emitters used in this study are fabricated based on the principle of surface plasmon. The purpose of the second experiment is to understand the effect of narrow band infrared irradiation on PEP-carboxylase activity in photosynthesis. The heat is generated by sending electric current to the molybdenum film on silicon substrate. The infrared source can be achieved by heating the triple layer structure which consists of a SiO2 layer between two Ag films on the molybdenum film. The top Ag layer is perforated by periodic hole array, and the emission wavelength can be altered by changing the lattice constant and diameter of the hole arrays. By RT-PCR analysis, it is found that the gene PSAK responds the most after illumination by PTE with peak wavelength at 4.5μm, and the gene NPQ4 exhibits the largest response by PTE with peak wavelength at 4.2μm. The experiments indicate that the PEPC activity can be enhanced by about 30~50% after infrared illumination, and the larger emission intensity would cause larger increase of activity. The PTE with specific peak wavelength at 4.3, 5.0, and 5.9 μm significantly enhances the activity. In general, after infrared illumination under different wavelengths, the PEPC activity can be enhanced. It implies that IR illumination can improve the carbon fixation process on the plants of C4 and CAM, and promote the efficiency of photosynthesis.


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