  • 學位論文


Application Potential of the Plant Meaning and Scenic Beauty in Taipei Green Space

指導教授 : 張育森


植物本身具有獨特的象徵意義及多元的文化性,亦是景觀設計中的要素之一,若在公園綠地中選用具有寓意的植物,可擴充當地的景觀文化體系。本研究先以前人文獻中提及華夏植物文化為基礎,再依據植物的種類,分為喬木、灌木、草本、藤本及水生植物5大類,以心理性的九大欲求進行整理。再於中國南方私家園林蘇州拙政園、杭州胡雪岩故居、靈隱寺,及北方皇家園林頤和園、恭王府、中山公園、北海公園、景山公園及天壇進行實地調查,以體會植物寓意的運用所產生的不同意境。南方私家園林園林一般選用象徵純潔、高尚的植栽,如梅、山茶等,北方皇家園林則選用象徵富貴、莊嚴的牡丹、柏等。為探討中國古典園林中具有寓意的植物是否在臺北公園綠地適地適種,於臺北板橋林家花園及臺中霧峰林家花園、龍山寺、中正紀念堂、二二八和平紀念公園、中山公園、至善園、至德園、臺灣大學、逸仙公園、圓山花博公園、故宮博物院、國父紀念館及原住民文化公園等公園綠地進行實地調查,可知臺北公園綠地景觀營造中雖有考慮當地的文化性,且有不少具有寓意的植物,但欠缺實際植物寓意搭配考量。通過整理植栽寓意,以不同植物所具有的吉祥開運之功效作為心靈寄託,瞭解植物在日常生活中所扮演的角色,運用於戶外景觀造景中,藉以提升環境的文化價值。 現代的景觀設計在注重景觀美質及空間運用的同時,往往忽略了植物本身的寓意,以致難以彰顯植栽的文化特色。因此,本研究為探討植栽寓意應用於公園綠地之重要性與可行性,選擇臺北公園綠地中具有歷史文化代表性的地點:中正紀念堂、二二八和平紀念公園、市政府前廣場及臺大校園4處,進行實地植栽寓意解說及問卷發放,以瞭解受測民眾對植栽寓意重要性的看法。結果顯示61%的受測民眾在解說前對植物寓意不怎麼瞭解,通過解說後91%的受測民眾願意深入瞭解植栽的文化性。98%的受測者認為現今臺北公園綠地並不注重植栽寓意,92%的受測者認為應該要注重植物寓意。因此,將具有文化寓意的植物運用到現今公園綠地的植栽設計中,瞭解當地民眾的意見和建議作為景觀綠美化之參考,從而以現代人的審美需求打造富有傳統植物寓意的文化景觀。 公園綠地最常使用者為當地居民,因此讓居民參與當地景觀營造中,可汲取不同的意見。選擇二二八和平紀念公園和臺灣大學作為調查地點,以問卷的形式詢問一般大眾較偏好的植栽配置形式和植物寓意重要性評分。問卷分為「先進行植物寓意講解,後進行景觀美質評分」和「先進行景觀美質評分,後進行植物寓意講解」兩種形式,並分兩次發放。「先進行植物寓意講解」景觀美質評分略高於「後進行植物寓意講解」的形式,兼具植物寓意和景觀美質的模擬方式最受受測者所喜愛。植物寓意重要性的部分,「先進行植物寓意解說,後進行景觀美質評分」,受測民眾對植栽寓意重要性評分為4分(重要),而「先進行景觀美質評分,後進行植物寓意講解」,植栽寓意重要性評分則降為3.7分(介於尚可和重要)。在景觀美質的部分,結果顯示無論是否先進行植物寓意解說,受測者皆喜歡兼具植物寓意且層次為灌木-灌木-草花多樣性的複層結構,色彩方面則喜愛較為豐富的色彩搭配,特別是紫色和粉色視覺張力較強,色彩鮮艷的草花。因此建議一般具有歷史性的公園綠地可適當提供植物寓意解說,在景觀配置中應提升植栽層次變化與色彩豐富度。 綜合上述調查結果,臺北具有歷史文化性的公園綠地植栽選用,目前並不考慮植物寓意進行植栽配置,而民眾則認為在景觀設計中應注重選用具有寓意的植物,兼具植物寓意且植栽配置為複層結構、色彩豐富度較高的景觀最受當地受測者喜愛。因此,提供案例分析作為具有歷史文化性的公園綠地該如何選用具有寓意之植栽之參考,以建立客觀且準確的公園綠地景觀設計中植栽寓意選用指南和景觀美質評估值標準。


植物寓意 景觀美質


Plant is one of the most important elements in landscaping, and they have unique symbolic and diverse cultural background in Chinese culture. Choosing right plants with correct Chinese meanings in the green space can increase the culture value in the landscape system. This study catagorized the plants into trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and aquatic plants. In order to better understand the application of plant meaning in Chinese landscaping as well as whether the Chinese meaning plants are suitably grown in Taipei green space, Chinese southern gardens and northern gardens were investigated, respectively. In order to select and arrange the correct plants in Chinese garden, nine human psychological needs were linked to plant meanings, hoping to enhance the cultural values of landscaping plants. The modern landscape design is attention to scenic beauty and regional landscape space, but overlook the meaning of plant, which can’t show the local features. This study aimed to discuss the importance and feasibility of plant meaning in Taipei green space. Four historical and cultural sites Chiang-Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, 2/28 Peace Memorial Park, Citizen Square, and National Taiwan University were selected. in order to know survey’s points for the importance of plant meaning. The results showed that 92% survey didn’t know the plant meaning, after explained, 91% survey would Willing to understand plant meaning. 98% survey showed Taipei landscape design did not focus on the use of plant meaning. And 92% survey showed plant meaning should be focused. Therefore, choose meaning plants in landscape design and configuration. applied people participation in the urban landscape, to create a traditional plant allegorical cultural landscape. Local residents are the major users of landscaped green space, therefore their opinion is important and valuable. Thus, two types of survey were designed and given to public for collecting local residents’ opinion in landscaping. The first type presented the explanation of plant meanings before presenting the landscaping design questions, whereas the second type put landscape design questions first. The results showed that when the explanations of plant meanings were presented in prior to landscape design questions, the importance level of plant meaning in public’s opinion was 4 (important). When the landscape design questions were given first, the importance level of plant meaning was 3.7 (between “fair” and “important”). On the other hand, the surveyees loved the multilayers of “shrub-shrub-herb” landscaping structure as well as multicolor combination, in which purple and pink had strong visual effect, and the plants with bright colors were more popular than the dark ones. In conclusion, the meaning of plants is not a major concern in landscaping works of historical green space in Taipei, even though they were found important in public’s opinion. Case analyses can be used as the reference for the landscaping works of historical green space, and to let landscapers know how to choose plants with correct meanings as well as the forms of landscape structure.


Plant meaning Scenic Beauty


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