  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Personal and Social-Environmental Factors Related to Crash and Burn Injuries:A Follow-up of 10 to 12 Graders

指導教授 : 李蘭


背景:台灣非蓄意性事故傷害位居青少年死因第一位,其中車禍、溺水及燒燙傷等為主要原因,因此希望透過分析長期追蹤資料找出相關影響因素。 目標:為瞭解青少年發生車禍及燒燙傷之情形,並探討學生從十到十二年級發生車禍及燒燙傷之個人及社會環境因素,本研究利用 「兒童與青少年行為之長期發展研究」2001 至2009 年之問卷追蹤資料進行次級資料分析。 方法:本研究樣本為2001 年就讀四年級追蹤至2009 年就讀十二年級之學生,共1567 人,並以卜瓦松迴歸進行分析。 結果:在盛行率方面,學生十年級至十二年級之車禍盛行率有隨年級上升的線性趨勢;而燒燙傷之盛行率亦呈現平緩上升之線性趨勢。在發生率方面,學生十一年級至十二年級之車禍發生率有逐年上升的趨勢,而燒燙傷的上升趨勢較不明顯。在與發生車禍有關之因素方面,發現男性、家庭社經地位高者、具攻擊性人格、物質使用行為愈多、家中人數五人以上、技職及綜合體系、好友較多人從事反社會行為及物質使用行為之學生皆為車禍發生之高風險族群,而就讀學校所在地都市化程度較高者、父母支持程度較高者發生車禍機會較低。而與發生燒燙傷有關之因素方面,則發現具有不健康習慣、從事較多反社會及物質使用行為、學校所在地都市化程度較高、父母支持程度較高者及就讀技職體系的學生為好發族群,但家庭社經地位中等或較高者則具較低之風險。 結論:相較於社會因素,個人因素與發生車禍及燒燙傷之關係較為顯著,尤其以危害健康行為無論在車禍或燒燙傷皆有一致影響,因此若能在青少年習得問題行為之早發階段進行介入,並針對不同族群發展適合之衛教模式,將有助於青少年減少車禍及燒燙傷發生的機會;父母如能以正向方式提供青少年社會支持,透過相互回饋的互動給予青少年正確的指導與建議,亦能收良好的傷害防制效果。


Background: Unintentional injuries, especially crash, drown and burn injuries, is accounting for the first ranked cause of adolescents’ death in Taiwan. Therefore, we want to apply long-term data to figure out more associated factors. Purpose: To understand the attributes of crash and burn injury incidence of adolescents aged from 10 to 12 grade, we applied secondary data collecting from Child and Adolescent Behavior in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) research since 2001 to 2009. Methods: The cohort participants included in the research are 1567 4th graders with the follow-up period of 8 years since 2001. We applied Poisson regression to access our result. Result: Our results showed that from 2007 to 2009, while students are during their 10 to 12 grade, the prevalence as well as the incidence rates of crash and burn injuries both had linear ascending trend. The result of Poisson regression showed male, students who raised in wealthy family, owning offensive personality, using more substance, living within more than 5 people, studying in comprehensive or vocational school, and whose peer displaying more antisocial and substance using behaviors were more risky involving in car crash. Parents’ support and living in highly urbanized area played as protective factors which decrease the incidence of crash. Burn injury incidence rate was high in those displaying more unhealthy habits, antisocial and substance using behavior, living in highly urbanized area, owning high parents support, and studying in vocational school, while those who are raised in a more affluent family have lower risk of suffering burn injury. Conclusion: Upon our results, we found that deviant behaviors played a definitely important role in resulting injuries. Therefore, if we can intervene in adolescences’ behaviors in their early ages while focusing parents’ support at the same time and developing appropriate intervention program for different groups, we can better control injury incidence and decrease social cost following by adolescents’ injury.


Adolescent Crash Burn Injury Substance use Social cognitive theory


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