  • 學位論文


Regulatory Forbearance, RBC and Administrative Penalty in Taiwan Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 俞明德


2009年8月4日國華人壽遭金管會接管,而該公司自2000年淨值即呈現負值為負73億,將近十年的時間淨值缺口日漸擴大,到2008年底帳面淨值高達589億元,故好奇當保險公司資本適足率不合格或是淨值為負時,主管機關是否未積極處理而姑息保險公司?故想研究保險公司資本適足率與主管機關就RBC不合格部分處罰之間的關係,是否有監理寬容之現象。 此外,陷入財務危機的保險公司(如:RBC比率不合格或淨值為負之保險公司),股東會出現豪賭、從事風險性較高之行為、拒絕增資、拖延增資甚至掏空,故本研究想觀察臺灣保險業之實證資料看可否印證此兩點? 第一,是否常拖延增資,本研究製作公司因RBC被處罰及真正增資時間表來觀察是否有該情形發生,第二,是否較容易違規、從事不合格之行為,進而被主管機關處罰,本研究以RBC比率與行政裁罰之資料,使用羅吉斯迴歸及最小平方法之線性迴歸,來推論哪一類型之公司較容易違規。 以2007年至2011年臺灣28家壽險公司實證結果發現:第一,每年RBC比率不及格的家數皆大於不及格被懲處之家數,故可斷言有監理寬容之存在。第二,國內淨值長期為負之保險公司有拖延增資之現象。第三,當期資本適足率不及格之公司,當期受投資類或是業務類之處罰之機率皆較高,亦較容易從事違規之行為進而容易被處罰、處罰次數較多、處罰之金額亦較大。第四,若前期資本適足率不及格,當期受投資類或是業務類之處罰機率亦皆較高。第五,「兩期資本適足率皆不及格」之公司及「前期資本適足率超過百分之三百,這期資本適足率不及格」之公司這兩類公司,受罰機率及次數皆較高,故推論這兩類公司之行為易於業務類違規。第六,本土之公司,被處罰機率較外商來得高,且RBC率越低,越容易被處罰。年份、公司股東類型、公司資產總額、公司淨值總額及公司年齡對於處罰類型、處罰次數或是金額並無顯著關係。但當公司淨值為負時,對公司業務處罰金額有顯著影響。 本人認為會有監理寬容或是保險公司拖延增資,最主要的問題是由於保險法僅有退場方式,卻未明定退場指標,故應儘速修法明定退場機制及標準,以避免主管機關的裁量權無限上綱,最後由全體納稅人去承擔保險公司之倒閉成本。此外,明確的的退場標準與機制,可以避免上述一昧包容等人為干擾,配合有限度的監理寬容,可以在重大經濟狀況發生時,主管機關擁有處置之彈性,讓多數體質良好,只是一時表現不佳之保險公司能存活,穩定金融市場避免社會過度的恐慌與不安。


On August 4 2009, Kuo Hua Insurance Company was taken over by Financial Supervisory Commission. The net value of the Company has been negative over ten years. This paper examines whether capital forbearance exist (or not) by investigating that has the regulater forces the companies to increase capital when their RBC ratios were unqualified. In addition, the stockholders of the financial-insolvent insurance company are more likely to behave riskier to improve the financial situation of the Comapny or delay the capital increasing. Therefore, this paper also explores whether these two phenomenon mentioned above exist in Taiwan insurance industry or not. Paired data, including RBC ratios, the capital-increase records and the administrative penalty records of 28 observed insurance companies in Taiwan from 2007 to 2011, were employed into the Logistics Regressions and the Simple Linear Regressions. The results indicate that, first, capital forbearance and delayed capital increase do exist in Taiwan insurance industry. Second, we find out that the current unqualified RBC companies are easier to break the regulation than current qualified RBC companies, so did the unqualified RBC companies in prior term. Third, domestic insurance companies are easier to break the regulation than foreign insurance companies. Forth, the factors such as years, the amounts of asset or equity and the age of company do not have significant effect on the possibility of breaking the regulation. To conclude, this paper indicates the relationship between RBC ratios and administrative penalty.


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