  • 學位論文


A Survey of the Basic Teaching Materials of Chinese Culture from Perspective of Multiculturalism

指導教授 : 顏厥安


教育部「普通高級中學課程發展會」於民國100年6月16日審議通過中華文化基本教材課程綱要,並修正普通高級中學國文課程綱要,自101學年度高一起逐年實施。該課程將《論語》、《孟子》、《大學》、《中庸》,列為高中必選修,以必選4學分每學期一學分為原則;95課綱實施後,將原本屬於必修之「中國文化基本教材」改為「論孟選讀」,「論孟選讀」屬於選修,各校可自行評估是否納入教學內容中,具有選擇性。然而101年起實行的「中華文化基本教材」,將原列國文選修的「論孟選讀」,增列「大學」、「中庸」,並將科目名稱改為「中華文化基本教材」,並採取每學期一學分,共四學分的課程編排方式,雖然表面上「中華文化基本教材」是「選修」課程,但教育部的課程編排方式卻透過制定時數及學分數,變相使得「中華文化基本教材」成為實質意義上的必選課程。臺灣是一個由多元文化所組成的社會,我國憲法增修條文第10條第11項關於基本國策的規定即明文寫道:「國家肯定多元文化,並積極維護發展原住民族語言及文化。」此外亦有相關法條規定多元文化作為一個國家企圖追求及保護的目標。 故本論文欲從我國憲法出發,分別以憲法學以及基礎法學的角度解釋憲法規定,其中針對「文化」、「多元文化」這類具有高度複雜及模糊性解釋空間之可能的概念,除了進行定義的嘗試以及檢討外;另外要以德沃金(Ronald M. Dworkin)的詮釋性概念(interpretive concepts),說明像我國憲法增修條文的理解,實際上是一種解釋,而這種解釋中蘊涵著對於詮釋性概念實踐上最佳解釋要求,因此本論文便試圖針對憲法規定,以德沃金理論中的詮釋性概念、建構性詮釋、整全法以及連環小說概念、來尋求對於這些規定解釋上與實踐上的最佳解釋,說明相關的憲法條文及增修條文以及各種法律實際上是提出了什麼樣的要求,而這類要求的具體落實是存在於臺灣社會的。也因此,臺灣社會應該要朝向多元社會的目標前進,故教育部提出的「中華文化基本教材」,是一種反多元以及開倒車的舉動,而該舉動背後必定有相應的理由。所以本文也要一併探討「中華文化基本教材」的前身:「中國文化基本教材」的歷史,並檢視前述教材與國民黨遷台後所實施的各種文化改造運動之關連性,說明這些運動將儒家思想扭曲後與政治意識形態(political ideology)結合,透過教育方式灌輸給學生,企圖達成反攻復國、統一思想等目標,是一種由國家高權(domination of the state)發動的充滿政治意識形態的控制手段,具有反民主、封建及反多元的色彩;因此由法的觀點看來,在今日臺灣已是一個多元文化社會,而憲法及其他法律亦有明文要求時,「中華文化基本教材」所呈現出的違法性質,最後提出應該以「多元意識的覺醒」來替代「舊有意識形態的復辟」作為該問題的解決方法。


The Ministry of Education Regular Senior High School Curriculum Development Committee reviewed the basic Chinese culture education curriculum guidelines on June 16, 2011 and revised the regular high school Chinese curriculum guidelines that will be implemented together for first year students in the following 2012 school year. The curriculum lists the Analects of Confucius, Mencius, Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean as requirements in high school. Four credits must be taken with one credit per semester being the standard. After the 95 curriculum guidelines are implemented, the basic Chinese culture teaching materials originally for this requirement will be changed to Selected Readings from the Analects of Confucius and Mencius. Selected Readings from the Analects of Confucius and Mencius will be an elective. Each school may evaluate individually whether or not to choose to incorporate this into their teaching content. The basic Chinese culture teaching materials that will be used in 2012 adds the Great Learning and Doctrine of the Mean to the Selected Readings from the Analects of Confucius and Mencius that was originally a Chinese elective and the subject will be changed to basic Chinese culture teaching materials. The curriculum will be arranged based on one credit per semester and a total of four credits. On the face of it, the basic Chinese culture teaching materials is a Chinese elective, However, through this special arrangement, implementation of this measure is a disguised way of making basic Chinese culture teaching materials into an absolutely required course. Taiwan is a society made up of a diverse range of cultures. Article 10-11 of our Constitution clearly states the fundamental national policy as “The State affirms cultural pluralism and shall actively preserve and foster the development of aboriginal languages and cultures.” In addition, relevant laws and regulations state that a diverse culture is an objective that the state should strive to attain and protect. Starting off by interpreting constitutional law provisions from a standpoint of constitutional jurisprudence and fundamental law, this paper not only attempts and highly complex and vague concepts that may have room for interpretation, Ronald M. Dworkin’s interpretive concepts explains that the understanding of the Additional Articles to our Constitution is actually a type of interpretation. This type of interpretation contains the best interpretative requirement in the practice of interpretive concepts so this paper will attempt to use Ronald M. Dworkin’s interpretive concepts, constructive interpretation, law as integrity and the chain novel to search for the best interpretation of these provisions with respect to interpretation and practice, explain what kind of requirements are actually stated in the Additional Articles and how this type of requirement can be physically implemented in existing Taiwan society. Since Taiwan society should be moving towards the development of a diverse society, the basic Chinese culture teaching materials submitted by the Ministry of Education is a kind of step backward that runs counter to idea of diversity. There must be corresponding reasons behind this action. Therefore, this paper will also discuss the history of the basic Chinese culture teaching materials that preceded the basic Chinese culture teaching materials and explore the connection between the above teaching materials and the various culture transformation movements implemented after the Kuo-Min-Tang government retreated to Taiwan to explain how these movements twisted Confucian thought and combined it with political ideology. Students were inculcated with this education method to achieve their goal of promoting recovering the mainland and unification thinking. It is a method of control filled with political ideology, which is carried out through domination of the state. It is anti-democratic, feudalistic and runs counter to diversity. Looking at this from a legal perspective, Taiwan today is society made up of a diverse range of cultures and provisions of the Constitution clearly state that the emergence of basic Chinese culture teaching materials is unconstitutional in nature. Last, this paper proposes that a diversity awareness awakening takes the place of old ideology resurgence as a solution to this problem.


