  • 學位論文


Development of Low Cholesterol Eggburger

指導教授 : 蘇和平


蛋黃中的高含量膽固醇是心血管疾病以及腦中風高危險群拒絕食用蛋類的主因。為了化解眾人之疑慮,本試驗以液蛋白做為主原料,脫脂乳粉做為固形物成分,以大豆油取代蛋黃中的脂質建立低膽固醇蛋堡基本配方,並以馬鈴薯澱粉、三仙膠及關華豆膠作為蛋堡之質地改良劑,以開發最佳質地之配方組合。 添加三仙膠之蛋堡經由質地剖面分析(Texture profile analysis ,TPA),結果顯示蛋堡之硬度 (hardness)、咀嚼性 (chewiness) 和膠強度 (gel strength) 皆顯著降低,而內聚性 (cohesiveness) 顯著增加;而添加關華豆膠之蛋堡,其硬度降低,內聚性增加,但咀嚼性與膠強度無顯著降低,顯示三仙膠與關華豆膠對蛋白質之間作用力之影響相似,但關華豆膠與蛋白質之間的作用力較強,因此質地性質表現較佳。當三仙膠與關華豆膠共同添加時,蛋堡之質地受到兩種膠產生協同作用而較個別添加之質地性質更好,蛋堡硬度與咀嚼性無顯著減少,而膠強度與內聚性增加,顯示其結構較為穩定厚實。 根據以上實驗之結果,進一步以反應曲面法尋求最佳質地蛋堡之液蛋白添加量與三仙膠、關華豆膠添加量,以開發低膽固醇蛋堡之最佳配方。最後得到之配方為液蛋白86.0%、三仙膠0.01%、關華豆膠 0.19%、4%馬鈴薯澱粉、7%脫脂乳粉、3%沙拉油,質地性質為硬度7738g、內聚性0.81、咀嚼性6327g、膠強度12228g/s。 為開發低膽固醇蛋堡產品,因此進行微生物貯存試驗,測試在不同包裝、加熱殺菌處理和保存溫度之下,生菌數增加之情形,結果顯示將低膽固醇蛋堡後熱殺菌處理 (88℃,50分鐘) 後,貯存於4℃下,可使蛋堡之生菌數在28天保存後維持在104 CFU/g以下,而沙門氏桿菌之檢測顯示為陰性。


High cholesterol content in egg yolk is why older adult and high risk of cardiovascular disease do not want to eat eggs. In order to resolve these concern, texture-optimized recipe was developed by using liquid egg white (LEW) as main material, skimmed milk powder, potato starch and soybean oil to substitute egg yolk solid and lipid to build a basic low cholesterol recipe, xanthan gum (XG) and guar gum (GG) were added to eggburger recipe as texture improver. Texture profile analysis of XG-addition eggburger demonstrated that the hardness, chewiness and gel strength were lower significantly, the cohesiveness increased significantly. In GG-addition, the hardness was lower, cohesiveness increased, but no significantly lower in chewiness and gel strength; however, GG showed better texture properties because of stronger interaction with protein. When both XG and GG were used, synergistic effect happened and texture of low cholesterol eggburger was much better than gum addition individually; hardness and chewiness didn`t decrease significantly, gel strength and cohesiveness increase, which mean the structure was more stable and firmer. Based on the above result, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize the addition of LEW, XG and GG so that the optimized recipe was achieved. The optimized recipe was LEW 86.0 %, XG 0.01 %, GG 0.19 %, potato starch 4 %, skimmed milk powder 7 % and soybean oil 3%. The texture value were hardness 7738 g, cohesiveness 0.81, chewiness 6327 g and gel strength 12228g/s. To develop low cholesterol eggburger product, microbiological storage experiment was performed to evaluate the total plate count of low cholesterol eggburger in different package, heat treatment and storage temperature. The result showed that after post-processing (88℃ for 50 mins), low cholesterol eggburger can be stored under 4℃ for 28 days and the plate count was under 104 CFU/g, and Salmonella spp. were not detected.


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