  • 學位論文


A Study of the Tang Menyin System and Menyin Officials:Focusing on Weiguan, Zhailang, Wanlang, and Liangguan Sheng's Epitaphs (A.D. 618-756)

指導教授 : 陳弱水


門蔭制度為唐王朝的選舉制度,本研究的主要目的,是在於建構門蔭入仕者可能的任官模式,而促成這個主題的原因主要有二:一是近年來墓誌材料的更新,二是前人研究較少論及門蔭入仕者的任官模式,故筆者以為若以分析門蔭入仕者的任官模式為研究的主題,或許能在唐代門蔭入仕的研究領域中有新的突破與發現。   本研究的第一章為緒論,主要是針對本研究的研究動機進行討論,同時也會回顧前人研究與介紹本文所引用的史料。第二章〈唐代前期的門蔭制度〉主要是在於勾勒唐代門蔭制度的樣貌與選舉制度運作的模式,同時對於衛官、齋郎、挽郎與兩館生等本研究的考察對象進行介紹。在第三章〈衛官出身者任官模式之分析〉中會針對墓誌中的三衛與千牛衛的仕宦經歷進行分析,並以此建構三衛與千牛衛可能的任官模式;第四章〈齋郎、挽郎與兩館生任官模式之分析〉則是針對齋郎、挽郎與兩館生墓誌中的仕宦生涯進行分析,並嘗試以此建構齋郎、挽郎與兩館生可能的任官模式。第五章為結論,此章中將針對衛官、齋郎、挽郎與兩館生的任官模式進行比較與總結。   約略言之,門蔭制度並非單一的入仕系統,衛官、齋郎、挽郎與兩館生都是存在於門蔭制度中的入仕途徑,蔭任者也會因為入仕途徑的差異而有著不同的仕宦經歷。


Menyin system is an electoral system of the Tang dynasty, the purpose of this study is to construct the career mode of the officials who used Menyin system to enter the officialdom. In addition, there are two main reasons that triggers to this study, the first reason is that the epitaphs has been updated; the second reason is that previous studies seldom analyze the career of the officials who used Menyin system to enter the officialdom. Therefore, I hold an opinion that construct career mode of Menyin officials will bring new discoveries and breakthroughs. Chapter one introduces the motivation and historical data of the thesis. The second chapter introduces the Menyin system and the Tang Dynasty’s electoral system, furthermore, this chapter also discusses Weiguan, Zhailang, Wanlang, and Liangguan Sheng which are the object of the thesis. Chapter three constructs and analyzes career mode of Sanwei and Qianniuwei. Additionally, the fourth chapter constructs and investigates the career mode of Zhailang, Wanlang, and Liangguan Sheng. In conclusion, Menyin system is not a unitary electoral system, it is an electoral system which has diverse approaches to select the person who used Menyin system to enter the officialdom, in addition, the mode Menyin officials enter the officialdom leads to different career paths.


