  • 學位論文


Risky Riding Behavior analysis of motorcyclists

指導教授 : 許添本


國內各肇事原因車種中大多以機車佔比最高,探討機車肇事成因,預防、遏阻騎士做出可能導致事故發生之行為為目前台灣交通環境之重要課題。但國內研究針對風險行為多為探討特定風險行為,或僅挑選幾項行為做為問卷調查之代表行為問項,鮮少針對各風險行為之間之差異臚列做比較。 本研究一開始為了可以與其他國家比較,首先參考Wedagama學者對印尼機車騎士的風險行為調查研究,翻譯同一份測驗量表對台灣人做相同的調查,比較台灣與印尼機車騎士特性之不同。調查結果同中有異,大部分的風險行為均有相似之處,但尚不具備可信程度。且以Wedagama學者調查印尼機車騎士之風險行為對台灣人進行相同之調查僅能比較台印異同,較難發現台灣機車騎士之風險行為特性,難以針對問題改善。因此另參考國內研究及違規統計挑選出「頻繁變換車道」、「急加速又急煞車」、「超速」、「進入彎道未減速」、「疲勞駕駛」、「酒(後)騎車」、「騎車時分心」、「闖紅燈」、「與其他車輛競速」、「未依規定讓車」、「未保持安全距離」、「未依規定兩段式左轉」、「逆向行駛」、「行駛禁行機車道」、「未禮讓公車」及「誤/未打方向燈」等16項常見之風險騎乘行為,重新對國人進行調查,期能找出具有台灣機車騎乘特性之風險行為量表,並驗證模式假說。 在針對國內的特性所進行的調查結果顯示,測量模式部分,風險感知依風險行為特性可分為「騎乘特性」及「騎乘干擾」2因素,其中「超速」及「頻繁變換車道」行為對騎乘特性因素有較大之貢獻(因素負荷量);「未依規定讓車」及「未保持安全距離」行為對騎乘干擾因素有主要貢獻;具有較高正向態度之行為為「未保持安全距離」、「誤/未打方向燈」及「逆向行駛」;於3因素均顯著之3種行為為「與其他車輛競速」、「逆向行駛」及「未禮讓公車」,此3類風險行為均具有騎乘干擾因素之特性,即騎士對風險行為之風險感知程度越高,越有可能從事該項行為。路徑結構分析部分,風險感知所含「騎乘特性」及「騎乘干擾」2因素分別負向及正向影響風險行為的產生,正向態度正向影響並且主導風險行為的產生。


Since the accident rate of motorcycle is high in each accident cause category, to discuss the cause, and then to prevent motorcyclists from those risky behavior that may cause accidents becomes very important. However, in the past most of the studies in Taiwan discussed specific only few of risky behaviors, and seldom compared the differences among risky behaviors. Therefore in this study, firstly for comparing with other countries, we referred Wedagama’s study which discussed the risky behavior of Indonesia’s motorcyclists and adopted same questionnaire to investigate the motorcyclists behavior of Taiwan. The result shows that the cause and effect in most of the risky behavior we compared is similar but still not enough to prove it is the same. However, this can only compare the difference between Indonesia and Taiwan. To find the risky behavior characteristic of Taiwan’s motorcyclists, we referred studies and violation statistics, selected 16 common risky behaviors to reinvestigate the motorcyclists’ behavior of Taiwan. Hope to fine a questionnaire which have Taiwan’s characteristic and to verified the hypothesis model. The investigated result shows that “Speed violation” and “Zigzagging” have more contribution to riding style in risk perception, “Violate the stop and yield rules” and “Keep inadequate gap” have more contribution to riding disturbances in risk perception. “Keep inadequate gap”, “Failing to use turning lights” and “Driving in the wrong direction” have more contribution to positive affect. In structure equation modeling, Risk perception and positive affect have influence on risky behaviors. Risk perception have both positive and negative influences on risky riding behaviors. Positive affect influence more than risk perception. Besides, “Car racing in groups”, “Driving in the wrong direction” and “Failing to yield while closing buses” are all significantly in 3 measures. This means when a motorcyclist has higher risky perception of the risky behavior, he has more possibility to do the risky behavior.


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