  • 學位論文


Research on the Execution of Elderly Health Promotion Policy in Taipei City

指導教授 : 彭錦鵬


由於臺灣老年人口快速成長趨勢,健康促進政策日趨受大眾所重視,臺灣已於民國82年進入高齡化社會、106年進入高齡社會,並預估於115年邁入超高齡社會。 另一方面,隨著戰後嬰兒潮的人口陸續邁入65歲,以及近年來低生育率帶來的少子化現象,超高齡社會將來得急又快。因高齡化人口激增致人口結構失衡之現象日趨嚴重,臺北市政府對於健康及亞健康之老人「健康促進」、「活躍老化」、「疾病預防」已是刻不容緩,臺北市面臨高齡化趨勢發展,若未能提供有效的促進健康政策方案,老年失能人口勢必隨著臺北市人口高齡化而快速增加,對於年長者及其家庭、社會發展與國家財政等面向,亦將產生嚴重衝擊。因此為減少老化帶來之社會家庭照顧壓力,以在地老化為導向,並朝向多元活躍老化模式發展,以達到健康促進、成功老化、減少失能、延緩老化並增進健康年數等目標。從源頭減量、減少老人失能著手,本研究以馬斯洛需求理論為基礎,透過檢視臺北市政府推動老人促進健康政策之成效,評估相關政策對於市民長輩在地老化、減緩失能與失智是否真有實質幫助?發現臺北市老年人口及其失能人口變化情形,成長趨勢並無明顯差異,顯見老人促進健康政策效果不彰;老人共餐良善美意對健康促進政策與樂齡活躍老化課程涵蓋率仍顯不足;愛心敬老卡適用項目及範圍仍顯不足,未能達成預期效果;而臺北市長者接種流感疫苗可有效降低長者死亡率,應加強提升接種率等。並針對當前臺北市政府所推行之促進健康政策,提出八項具體建議,以期能夠因應急速老化的人口結構改變。


Owing to the trend of the elderly population in Taiwan, the elderly health promotion policy is getting more amd more important. Taiwan has being an aging society since 1993, an old age socity in 2017, and will be a ultra-aged society in 2026. And the ratio of the elderly population in Taipei is higher than other city in Taiwan. On the other hand, with the post-war baby boomers are entering the age of 65, and the low birth-rate in recent years, the ultra-aged society will be anxious and fast in the near future. Due to the increasing population structure, the imbalance of population structure is becoming more and more serious. The Taipei City Government is in urgent need of "health promotion", "active aging" and "disease prevention" for healthy and sub-healthy people. The city is facing an aging trend. If an effective health promotion policy program is not provided, the elderly disabled population will inevitably increase rapidly with the aging population of Taipei, and it will also have a serious impact on the elderly and their families, social development and national finance. Therefore, in order to reduce the pressure of social family care brought about by aging, it is oriented towards the aging of the land and is developing towards a multi-active aging model to achieve the goals of health promotion, successful aging, reducing disability, delaying aging and increasing the number of healthy years. Starting from the source reduction and reducing the disability of the elderly, this study will examine the effectiveness of the Taipei City Government in promoting the health promotion policy for the elderly. Is it really helpful for the elders to age, slow down disability and dementia? Exploring the future of the Taipei City Government The elderly health promotion budget planning and application model, and try to put forward specific feasibility, importance and forward-looking recommendations. The findings of this research are: juding form the radio of the eld population and the disable eld population, the eldly healthy promotion policy of Taipei city government is ineffective. Eating and sharing together for elder people do not carry out the goodwill and main purpose of the policy. The items and using range of the love and respecting easy card is not good enough to achieve the expection. And since the vaccination indeed against influenza and decreasing the mortality rate of the elderly, Taipei city government should increasing the vaccination rate. This research also makes 8 suggestions for the promotion health policy of the Taipie city government to respons to the rapid changes of the demographic structure.


中時電子報,2016,〈長照人口10年後破百萬 照服員拉警報〉,12/18。
方進隆,1992,〈規律運動與健康促進和疾病預防〉,《中華體育季刊》,5(4): 1 -7。
