  • 學位論文


Dual Priming Effect through Dimensional Range Overlap Model: Examining the Conditions Where Positive Dual Primes’ Ranges Overlap and Do Not Overlap

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


消費者在判斷產品與廣告時,會受到環境中的促發因子的影響而改變其態度, 此現象稱之為促發效果。過去學者認為解釋促發效果的關鍵因素是促發物的極端 性,然而 Chien 於 2010 年提出之解釋範圍重疊模型 (DROM: Dimensional Range Overlap Model) 中認為,影響促發效果的主要因素是促發因子與目標物在解釋範圍 上的重疊程度。若兩者在解釋範圍上有重疊,同化效果會發生,若兩者在解釋範 圍上沒有重疊,則發生對比效果。本研究的目的在探討在雙重正向促發物下之消 費者產品判斷,以 DROM 為理論基礎,並利用 Hsiao 2002 年提出之互動理論 (Reciprocity hypothesis)預測判斷過程中促發物彼此間的促發效果。 本研究分為兩個實驗,實驗一先驗證雙重促發物彼此間的促發效果,實驗二 再探討雙重促發物對目標餐廳廣告的促發效果。實驗過程中,正向雙重促發因子 的解釋範圍被操作成同化與對比兩個情境,並由受測者自行決定符合給定解釋範 圍之餐廳。儘管實驗結果並不顯著,但在針對促發物的操弄結果進行重疊程度的 分類後,目標物的促發效果仍然俱有符合預期的移動方向,即 DROM 在雙重促發 物下仍具有解釋能力,但未來需更進一步修正實驗方法來驗證假說。


Consumers evaluate products or advertisements every day. These judgments would be affected by context stimulus, leading to attitudinal change, or priming effect. Previous studies assert that the key factor, which triggers priming effect, is the context extremity. However, Chien (2010) proposed dimensional range overlap model and explained that range overlap between target and prime is the main cause to determine assimilation effect and contrast effect. In current study, we investigate priming effect in positive dual primes condition through DROM and Reciprocity hypothesis (Hsaio 2002). Experiments were presented in the current study to test the priming effect between dual primes and effect on target. The results are not statistical significant in both studies. However, through dividing manipulated primes into different overlap conditions, the results followed the prediction of DROM and with correct tendency. That is, if the primes range were successfully manipulated, DROM could predict the result of priming effect in dual primes condition. The study provides a foundation for further research in the field of positive dual primes.


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