  • 學位論文

裝飾以外的陶環新解: 試討論蔦松遺址陶環的社會意義

More than decoration: the possible meanings of the ceramic rings in the Niaosung society

指導教授 : 江芝華


蔦松遺址屬於蔦松文化,位於臺南地區,為臺灣南部金屬器時期代表文化;因時間、地點和器物與與西拉雅族有承繼性和相似性,被認為與西拉雅族有密切關係。蔦松遺址於1970年代末期開始,由臺灣大學人類學系考古田野實習課程學生進行四次發掘,其中出土四千餘件陶環殘件。過去這些陶環殘件多被歸類為「裝飾品」,並無進一步討論。另一方面,臺灣考古學中其他有關裝飾品的討論,多著重於外來珠子的交易互動或是裝飾品本身的科學分析;關於裝飾品社會意義的討論較少,也缺乏陶質環飾裝飾品的相關研究。因此本研究以蔦松遺址中的陶環為題,嘗試提供臺灣考古學裝飾品研究不同的面相。 本研究從女性主義對考古學的批判出發,將裝飾品視為了解史前社會關係的重要線索;並認為裝飾品可能為史前社會人群認同的重要標誌。本研究運用三種不同的方法來探索蔦松社會裡人群關係可能的樣貌。首先,透過屬性分析(attribute analysis)來尋找陶環的顏色、形狀、內徑大小、厚度、高度和重量這些不同屬性間的關係。其次,以十七世紀以來漢人、荷蘭人、西班牙人、日本人等與西拉雅族互動後留下的歷史文獻、圖像和民族誌紀錄作為類比的基礎。最後,則為了彌補早期蔦松遺址發掘資料的缺失和不足,參考西寮遺址蔦松文化層中一般生活面和現象中出土的陶環,以及石橋遺址蔦松文化墓葬出土的陶環,相互比較三個遺址中陶環形制和出土脈絡資訊。 從文獻材料和考古材料中,本研究嘗試跳脫陶環作為用來「美化」的裝飾品的脈絡,從性別、年齡和親屬關係三個方向討論陶環可能的社會意義。在蔦松社會裡,個人的認同透過陶環而展現,同時,相似的陶環形式則顯示蔦松社會內不同人群關係協商的結果。


The Niaosung site is an Iron Age settlement located in Tainan in southern Taiwan. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the site was occupied from 1400 to 500 cal. BP. This site is considered to have been inhabited by the Siraya people, an indigenous group in Taiwan during this time period. Four seasons of excavations have been carried out at the site by the Department of Anthropology, NTU, since the 1970’s. Among the various artifacts and ecofacts uncovered, the huge amount of ceramic rings is one of the distinctive features of the site. However, these ceramic rings were simply classified as ornaments, and no further analysis had been done. Here, I argue that other than some simple decorative purpose, these ceramic rings—previously considered to be just ornaments—might play more important roles. Inspired by feminist critiques in archaeology, here I view these ceramic rings as a key form of evidence to study social relations in Niaosung society. The ceramic rings may be seen as an important symbolic media to understand the identity of the people. In this research, I employ three methods to investigate the social meanings of the ceramic rings. First, through attribute analysis, I try to explore possible associations between the color, form, diameter, thickness, height and the weight of ceramic rings. Second, I use ethnographic and historical records and paintings as analogy and for insights into the use of rings. Third, I compare the style and the context of the ceramic rings with those of the Siliao and Shichiao sites, both in Tainan, which are believed to be contemporaneous with the Niaosung site. Based on the analysis of the written, pictorial, and archaeological records, I argue that the ceramic rings are more than decorations. I try to explore the possible meanings of these ceramic rings with respect to three aspects, namely gender, age and kinship. As a result, I argue that in the Niaosung society, people might express their social identity through wearing the ceramic rings, and at the same time, the wearing of similar styles of ceramic rings might be indicative of negotiation between social groups.


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