  • 學位論文


Punitive Damages in Patent Infringement

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


在英美法上已有相當悠久歷史的懲罰性賠償金制度可說係作為其侵權行為法上之一項共通原則,卻為我國以民法典為核心之傳統法制向來所無者。然而近年來,台灣在若干法領域的立法或修法過程中,在原本填補性損害賠償之外,紛紛引入倍數賠償等具有懲罰性賠償意涵之概念,使得懲罰性賠償之相關規定逐漸占有一席之地。對於此一懲罰性賠償制度的引進,立法固然容易,如何正確地設定適用要件,並且能夠於具體案件中適當地加以運用,恐怕才是真正的關鍵所在;而此則有賴學者進行較深入之研究。但是目前國內關於懲罰性賠償之討論仍高度集中於消保法方面,於其他領域則呈現徒有立法而疏於研究和評價的現象。以專利法而言,我國於民國八十三年專利法修正時即已將懲罰性賠償之概念引進專利侵權之損害賠償責任體系當中,惟相關之研究則尚嫌不足;如何藉由懲罰性賠償的課予以有效嚇阻侵害他人專利權之行為,此一議題在專利侵權已全面除罪化的今日實屬相當重要,本文著眼於此,乃欲以專利法第八十五條第三項之規定為核心,作一個較為全面性的探討。 本論文共分為六章,第一章為緒論,闡述本文之研究動機,並就研究方法及論文之架構加以說明。第二章為懲罰性賠償制度之一般性介紹,首先針對本文所討論之懲罰性賠償的意義加以界定,接著則以美國法上之相關發展為主軸簡要介紹制度運作情形及所面臨之問題,隨後並指出我國目前已存在之懲罰性賠償立法。第三章則探討我國專利侵權之損害賠償責任架構,並將焦點置於懲罰性賠償條款之要件分析以及於我國審判實務上之適用情形,除對統計數字予以分析外,亦分別針對幾則酌定及不予酌定懲罰性賠償金之判決進行較細緻之案例研究。第四章以比較法的觀點切入,分別介紹美國、德國、日本及中國之專利侵權法制之相關規範,釐清其是否採取懲罰性賠償制度及其具體之操作標準。論文的第五章在前面各章之基礎上,首先論述我國於專利侵權事件中有必要採用懲罰性賠償制度之理由,本文認為,專利侵權所具有之隱蔽性以及獲利可能性升高了侵權的誘因,為達成專利法之立法目的即有必要予以適當地防堵;而相較於刑事責任,以懲罰性賠償適度強化傳統損害賠償責任之懲罰及嚇阻功能對此顯然更具有適合性。其後乃進一步檢視我國現行法下條文所設定之各項要件是否具有妥適性,並提出本文之修正建議。第六章為結論,簡單回顧本文前面各章研究所得之重要內容。


The “punitive damages” regime which has developed as a universal rule of torts in common law system is alien to our traditional statutes centered by the civil code. However, in recent years, the punitive damages provision, usually in the form of treble damages, has become quite popular in certain legislations or law revisions in Taiwan. While legislation itself is relatively easy, it is the way of how to set the requirements of application correctly and how to award punitive damages properly that is really a perplexed legal issue upon which should be put emphasis, and needs to be studied. It is a pity that except for the punitive damages clause under Consumer Protection Law, this issue attracts less attention of scholars, and therefore the effect of these punitive damages regulations remains fairly unclear. As far as Patent Law is concerned, the legislators have introduced the punitive damages to the Act since the revision of 1994, but the discussion regarding this provision seems rather inadequate and unsatisfying. Since the patent infringement has been decriminalized, the issue of how to deter patent infringements by awarding enhanced damages appropriately is certainly important. Thus this thesis aims to focus on Article 85 section 3 of Patent Law making a comprehensive study of it. This thesis comprises six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction which illustrates the motive, the approaches, and the structure of the study. Beginning with the definition of punitive damages, chapter two takes an overview of the punitive damages regime in the U.S., including its nature, functions, development, and the questions occurred during the operation of the regime. It also points out the existing punitive damages regulations in Taiwan orderly. Chapter three sketches our current liability frame of patent infringement, especially focusing on the evolution and interpretation of the punitive damages provision. In order to realize the actual state of judicial practice, this thesis also explores the related judgments of our courts in chapter three. Then, chapter four deals with the regulations and precedents of patent infringement in the U.S., Germany, Japan, and China from the comparative law point of view, to recognize whether punitive damages are applicable to patent infringement cases in these major countries respectively, and if any, what factors are relevant or crucial to their determinations. Based on the foregoing contents, chapter five of this thesis proceeds from the rationale and the necessity of adopting the punitive damages rule in patent infringement cases. This thesis indicates that punitive damages regime serves a better purpose than criminal punishment in deterring patent infringement. It is then followed by the review of current requirements under this Article. The thesis not only examines the standards of the punitive damages awarding, but also proposes some suggestions for revision. The last chapter, chapter six, is the conclusion, briefly summarizing the main ideas of this thesis.


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