  • 學位論文


Effects of Hospital Brand Equity on Perceived Value and Revisit Intention

指導教授 : 林能白


由於健保制度的實施,增加民眾就醫的可近性,卻對醫療體系造成相當程度的衝擊,讓地區醫院經營陷困境。隨著經濟的成長和追求健康的訴求,人民對健康服務的需求和品質要求也相對提高,許多醫療相關產業如醫學美容、生技保健產業紛紛投入醫療相關市場,使醫療相關產業競爭更激烈。近年來,有許多醫院開始重視經營管理的領域,利用企業管理相關知識來管理醫療產業,並引進一般企業模式常用的觀念性概念和方法來提高醫院競爭力。商業模式中常見的品牌權益相關概念從1980年代起發展至今,在國內外已有不少學者研究,並提出各種觀點與概念性架構,但是將品牌權益相關概念應用於在醫療服務產業的研究卻不常見。 本研究目的希望將品牌權益的相關概念應用在醫療服務產業上進行實證性驗證,瞭解醫院品牌權益對知覺價值之影響、瞭解知覺價值對於再次就醫意願之影響以及醫院品牌權益是否透過知覺價值的中介效果加強其再次就醫的意願,最後並檢定醫院門診病患的顧客特質在醫院品牌權益與知覺價值之間是否具有調節效果。 研究對象以某台北市醫學中心的門診病患進行問卷調查,並藉由驗證性因素分析來評估量表的信度和效度,最後以多元迴歸方法來檢定其研究假說、中介效果與調節效果。 研究結果顯示品牌忠誠度、知覺品質和智慧資本對知覺價值有正向影響,也會透過知覺價值影響再次就醫意願。另外,顧客特質中的性別、年齡和個人月收入對於醫院品牌權益與知覺價值之間存在著調節效果。最後,從本研究所得到的結果可使醫院高階管理者了解其重要性,品牌權益相關概念未來可作為醫院經營管理部門和高層管理人員在經營管理上作為參考。


Background:The concept of customer-based brand equity (CBBE) has been discussing for a long time in marketing literature. However, there are few empirical studies that attempt to examine the notion of it,especially in medical service. Owing to NHI in Taiwan,the medical environment gets so competitive that has left many hospitals shut down. Therefore, the operation of the medical industry is supposed to use its unique way to satisfy their customers as well as appropriate business strategies. To Fill this gap, this study provides an empirical investigation of CBBE in influencing, through perceived value and revisit intention. Purpose:The main objective of this study is to understand effects of hospital brand equity (brand association, brand loyalty, perceived quality,and intellectual capital) on perceived value and revisit intention in Taiwan. The model aims to examine the mediate effect of perceived value to strengthen outpatients’ revisit intention. Evantually,the study examine customer characteristics as moderators of the relationship between hospital brand equity and perceived value. Methodology:Sample data sets from outpatients who go to a specific medical center in Taipei city . Self-administered surveys were distributed to 330 outpatients and yielded a total of 320 complete usable questionnaires. Many of the instruments used to measure the constructs involved in this study were adapted from the existing literature. Descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation of each variable used in the proposed model were presented. The assessment of the measurement properties of the scales and the test of the hypothesized relationships presented in the conceptual model. Results:All hospital brand equity(brand loyalty,perceived quality,and intellectual capital) except brand association positively affected perceived value and revisit intention. In particular, effects of hospital brand equity on revisit intention was mediated by perceived value were supported except brand association.Customer characteristics as moderators of the relationship between hospital brand equity and perceived value were partially supported.


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