  • 學位論文


Frequency of Vegetables, Fruits, Snacks, and Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Vulnerable Children and Adolescents—Empirical Evidence Using the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families Survey

指導教授 : 張宏浩


近幾十年來,人們生活型態與飲食習慣漸漸改變,如果長期飲食不均衡,將產生各種疾病。許多研究指出攝取蔬菜水果對身體有益,過度食用零食與含糖飲料則造成身體傷害。由於兒童及青少年(以下簡稱兒少)正值成長階段,培養正確飲食習慣及吸收足夠養分非常重要,儘管學校教育可向兒少傳遞營養攝取的正確觀念,然而更深受其生長家庭影響。衛生福利部統計資料顯示臺灣低收入戶戶數逐年成長,隱含部分家戶在生活消費存在沉重負擔,下一代的飲食照顧也將因此受到影響。 為了瞭解弱勢兒少攝取蔬果與食用零食飲料頻率如何受到家庭狀況影響,本研究利用臺灣兒童曁家庭扶助基金會所提供之2013年第三波弱勢兒少生活趨勢調查問卷以Ordered Probit Model進行實證分析。 實證結果顯示臺灣弱勢家庭兒少不論在雙親或單親照顧之家庭類型,家長學歷越高對於子女一週攝取蔬果頻率有正向效果,居住北部地區之雙親家庭兒少攝取蔬果頻率相對高,零食飲料部分,則以居住中部地區頻率比較高。而單親家庭兒少本身年齡負向影響每週攝取蔬菜水果頻率,恰與父母年齡影響方向相反。居住直轄市或非直轄市之樣本亦發現兒少本身年齡越大,攝取蔬菜水果頻率將下降,而家長學歷對於兒少每週攝取蔬果頻率依然呈正向影響,另外,居住直轄市的樣本中,住屋坪數與雙親照顧對於兒少攝取蔬果頻率有正向效果,而居住非直轄市樣本群則發現所得越低家庭的兒少有食用越多零食飲料的現象。


In the recent decades, people’ lifestyle and dietary habits have changed gradually. If people keep having unbalanced nutrition food, they will tend to have some chronic diseases. Many researches indicated that having vegetables and fruits is good for health, while overeating snacks and sugar-sweetened beverage will cause damage to our body. It is very important to cultivate correct dietary habits and absorb enough nutrients for children and adolescents during their puberty period. Although children can be taught the right concepts of diet from school, they still be deeply influenced by their family. According to the statistics of Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, the number of low-income households is growing year by year. It implies that part of households may suffer from heavy burdens of daily expenses and affect the diet of their children negatively. To understand how families influence frequency of vegetables, fruits, snacks, and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among vulnerable children and adolescents, this study involves empirical analysis using Ordered Probit Model on the third (2013) questionnaire of the Panel Study on Taiwan Database of Children and Youth in Poverty. The result showed that whether the family type was single-parent or not, parent’s education affected his or her children’ frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes positively in Taiwan’s vulnerable families. Besides, in parent families, frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes was relatively higher in northern Taiwan than other regions, while frequency of snacks and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was higher in the middle of Taiwan. However, in single-parent families, children’ age negatively affected their frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes, while parent’s age positively affected. The result also showed that children’ frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes was decreasing along with the increase of their ages whether they were living in municipality or not, and parent’s education still affected their children’ frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes positively. In addition, living area (unit: ping) positively affected frequency of vegetables, fruits intakes in parent family in municipality, while living in non-municipality region, the lower the families’ income were, the much frequency of snacks and sugar-sweetened beverage children consumed.


