  • 學位論文


Demarcation and Boundary Crossing between Aboriginal and Han Peoples in Taiwan (1930-1960s)

指導教授 : 周婉窈


番�蕃界是臺灣歷史上特別的存在。自18世紀以來陸續成型固定的番界,標誌了清帝國的統治範圍,與非屬帝國版圖的界外之地。日治時期,透過五年理蕃計畫將絕大部分的蕃地納入國家統治,並於1930年代左右確立蕃界與蕃地的範圍,有效掌控整個臺灣山地。戰後的山地行政區基本上承繼日治時期的蕃地空間。從清治、日治到戰後,畫界分治下的番�蕃地與山地行政政策,其制度與實施內容雖有延續但各有異同,其間的差異反映了不同政權背後政治思維的轉變,也影響島內人群地往來與互動。   本文首先說明原、漢分治畫界的歷史背景與制度發展,其次呈現分治下界線內、外的人群接觸時的實際限制。山地管制在戰後一度趨弛,至二二八事件、戒嚴後再趨嚴,管制的目的主要是防範平地人民進入山地,其目的包括國家對山地土地利益的奪取,以及山地國防安全的需求。再者,以初等教育為中心,呈現原、漢分治下界線的內外「文明化」歷程的異與同,除了說明同一時期原、漢世界相關制度的異同外,也突顯二戰前後政權轉換後的變化,大體而言統治者對蕃地�山地的文明化手段更為直接、粗暴,這與官方對原、漢的定位不同有關。文明化歷程中的「同」,包括透過教育使原、漢可以使用共同的語言、具備相同的文明智識,以及國家認同等;關於「異」的部分,本文則透過日治時期的《蕃人讀本》、《教育所用國語讀本》、《公學校用國語讀本•第二種》與戰後的山地用《國語課本》等專屬「蕃人」或高山原住民的教科書,與一般平地用教科書的內容比較,發現過去原住民族使用的教科書當中,有關「臺灣」的部分偏少,且幾乎看不到臺灣「漢人」的身影。 原、漢「文明化」歷程中相同的部分,是蕃界內、外的非邊區人群得以跨越的基礎。本文透過《理蕃ソ友》的報導與報章、日記等史料,探討臺灣漢人與高山原住民彼此間的接觸與想像。1930-60年代,臺灣的漢人與原住民族雖然有著類似的文明體驗,但由於統治者採取分隔治理、強化族群刻板印象等因素,使得原、漢雙方在某程度上仍將對方視為異質的他者。


The existence of the restricted areas of the aboriginals is particular in the history of Taiwan. They were firstly set up by the Ching dynasty, but functioned then only as a mark of the limits of the empire. It is not until the Japanese rule period, after the 5-year aboriginal policy proposed by the colonial government, that most of these areas were under official control. In the meantime, in the 1930's, the borders of the restricted areas were determined, leading to an efficient surveillance over the mountainous regions of Taiwan. Even after the World War II (WWII), the restricted areas once determined stayed more or less the same as an administrative unit of the new government. Throughout the history of Taiwan, from the Ching dynasty to the Japanese rule period, even to the time after the WWII, we notice, despite the existence of certain continuity, several changes in the policy of rule over the restricted areas. Such changes, which reflects the difference of mentalities behind various powers, did play a role of interference in the interplay of the ethnic groups in Taiwan. In what follows, I will try, first of all, to present the historical context and stages of development of the policy of demarcation between the Han and aboriginal peoples. Then, I will list the administrative practices that had prohibited contacts of people from either sides. The control over the above-mentioned regions, after a short while of relaxation since 1945, was, however, tightened once again at the outbreak of the 2.28 Incident and the enacting of the martial laws. With clear intentions of retaining resources of the territory to the state, the more rigorous surveillance aimed mainly at restricting people from entering the mountainous regions, and the need of national security was satisfied at the same time. As the main body of this paper, I will focus at the different systems of elementary education, as they were applied to either sides of the demarcation, showing the disparity, as well as the similarity, between the courses of "civilization" promoted by the Japanese colonial government. Besides, attentions will be placed in the modifications effected in the educational system after the WWII. I will illustrate how the uneven official receptions of the Han and the aboriginal peoples had actually made a difference in the policy of civilization realized in the mountainous regions, which was more straightforward and, I must say, more impertinent. As regards to the similarity between the courses of civilization on both sides, the educational system always made its effort in popularizing the official language, cultivating in people the sense of civilization and solidifying their national identities. On the other hand, concerning their disparity, I have carefully studied three textbooks for the aboriginals during the Japanese rule period, namely "蕃人讀本", "教育所用國語讀本", "公學校用國語讀本•第二種", as well as one introduced after the WWII: "國語課本"; and by comparing with common textbooks used in other regions, I have found in these materials only sparse mentions of "Taiwan," and nearly no trace of Taiwanese Han people. Towards the end, by referring to a journal ("理蕃ソ友"), as well as other related newspapers and diaries, I investigate into the communications and imaginations between the Taiwanese Han people and the aboriginals in the mountainous regions. The certain similarity in their courses of civilization has thus served as the basis of "border crossing": evidently they have had experiences alike. Nevertheless, for the period from the 1930's towards the 1960's, as my study will show, it is under the influence of the measures adopted by the governments, like racial segregation and the purposeful reinforcement of the racial stereotypes, that the two sides still considered each other as strangers.




