  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relation Between Workers' Compensation and Employer's Civil Liability in Japan:With Implications for Taiwanese Law

指導教授 : 徐婉寧


我國的職業災害救濟制度,係採取職災補償與損害賠償同時並行的併存主義;其中,職災補償則採取雙軌制的體例,而由勞動基準法上雇主的補償責任與職業災害保險給付所構成。關於此等複數救濟管道間的關係,在勞動基準法第59條但書與第60條中,則設有抵充規定予以處理。關於抵充規定之適用,在我國實務存有諸多爭議,諸如慰撫金得否作為抵充之客體?是否以補償與賠償的請求權人同一者為限?將來的職災保險年金給付得否予以抵充?勞基法上之抵充與損益相抵之關係為何?等問題,均有待深入檢討。 日本的職業災害救濟制度,亦係採取併存主義與雙軌制的立法例,對於複數救濟管道間的關係,於日本勞基法第84條第1項與第2項,亦設有調整規定,其功能即相當於我國之抵充規定。有鑑於在日本法上之調整規定,業已累積相當豐富的學說討論與實務運作案例,而自從日本最高法院明白創設「損益相抵式之調整」的判例法理以來,近年日本實務更是穩定地以「損益相抵式之調整」作為處理職災保險給付與損害賠償的根據。本文即以現行我國抵充規定的適用疑難作為契機,透過介紹日本法制,並以日本法上調整規定與「損益相抵式之調整」此一判例法理的生成、適用實況與相關討論,作為分析重點。最後並希冀能夠在此基礎之上,以日本法上操作調整規定的經驗作為借鏡,藉以探詢對於我國抵充規定之啟示。


In Taiwan, an employer is not exempt from responsibility for that portion of a loss that exceeds the amount of workers’ accident compensation or workers’ accident insurance benefits. This can be referred to as the co-existence of workers’ compensation and damages. The workers’ compensation is provided by both workers’ accident compensation under Labor Standards Act (LSA) and workers’ accident insurance benefits under Labor Occupational Accident Insurance and Protection Act. The relation between workers’ accident compensation and employers’ civil law responsibility for damages has been set forth in the LSA §59 and §60, which referred to as the adjustment of workers accident insurance benefits with damages. However, in practice, the adjustment is a difficult issue. Therefore, further research is needed in order to solve problem such as deduction of workers’ compensation from consolation money for mental suffering and the way how future pension benefits are to be treated in the trial on the issue of damages. The relation between workers’ accident compensation and employers’ civil law responsibility for damages in Japan is similar to that in Taiwan, which has also been set forth in Japan Labor Standards Act. In view of the adjustment between workers’ accident compensation and employers’ civil law responsibility for damages in Japan has been has been fully studied and many relevant cases have been accumulated in judicial practice, this research not merely introduce Japanese law, but as well focus on the application and discussion in judicial practice. Through an analysis of the Japan experiences, this research will try to find some reasonable interpretations to solve the related problems.


