  • 學位論文


Customer Relationship Management(CRM) System Implementation Planning for Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 任立中


電子製造業著重在降低成本,縮短生產週期與產業供應鏈的有效整合。而在全球化激烈競爭下,在成本與品質方面進步空間有限,台灣電子製造業面臨微利競爭的瓶頸,唯有轉型至顧客導向的公司,才能創造競爭差異化優勢。因此,預期顧客關係管理(CRM)將是未來製造業競爭的關鍵所在! 本研究透過相關文獻探討與整理探討顧客關係管理的基本架構、精神與技術應用,用以建立企業對於CRM系統導入之評估規劃的模型與理論基礎,並運用個案方式深入研究某大型電子製造業公司之案例,來分析驗證製造業規劃導入CRM的策略、藍圖、步驟,與成功關鍵因素預期效益與落實方法等,試圖結合理論與實務上的應用,以作為未來台灣製造業在導入CRM系統與流程規劃時的參考。 本研究歸納電子製造業導入CRM主要策略動機為「由產品導向轉型成顧客導向」,主要需求以業務流程、售後服務與保固管理流程、分析報表工具、與顧客關係管理資訊平台。導入之預期效益以提昇企業整體利潤、縮短銷售週期、增加銷售預測準確性、提高向上銷售與交叉銷售機會、降低服務成本與內部溝通成本、提高顧客滿意度與維持率。而顧客關係管理系統只是一個工具,內部流程的配合與改造及成功的變革管理才是CRM專案成敗的最重要的關鍵因素。最後結論彙整本研究發現與建議並說明研究限制與後續可能之研究方向。


The competitive advantage of Electronic Manufacturing industry is used to focus on cost reduction, production cycle and supply chain efficiency. Facing the severe global competition, cost reduction and quality improvement are no longer sufficient; the transformation from product-oriented to customer-oriented companies is the key to success. Therefore, the customer relationship management is expected to become the new and important competitive advantage for Taiwan Electronic Manufacturing industry. Due to the importance of CRM adoption for future competition and the lack of related empirical studies, this research attempts to build up a framework for enterprises to evaluate and plan the implementation of CRM system. This research first analyze the factors for enterprises to plan and implement CRM Strategy, blueprint, implementation methodology, key successful factors, and expected benefits, and then further validate the proposed framework and factors through in-depth case study of one large Taiwanese electronic manufacturing company. Based on the results, this study concludes that for the electronic manufacturing companies: (1) Transformation of customer-oriented company is the key strategic initiative to implement CRM. (2) The main requirements of CRM system are sales process, after-sales service and warranty management, analytical reporting tool, and CRM information sharing platform.(3) The main expected benefits are to increase profitability, shorten sales cycle, improve the accuracy of sales forecast, increase cross-selling and up-selling opportunities, reduce service costs and internal communication costs, and increase customer satisfaction and retention. (4) The internal process change and the change management are the keys to success for CRM project.


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