  • 學位論文


The adaptation process of women who had experienced miscarriage return to the work

指導教授 : 陳端容


21世紀的今天,傳統父權對女性生育的影響仍然存在,於婚姻生活中,女性不只被暗示其作為一個生理女性之生育義務的必要性,同時亦需要肩負起兒女的養育責任。但隨著台灣女性的學歷普遍提高,有比較大的自主能力與可能性下,有了鬆動的空間,高學歷婦女通常重視學習,會尋求專業的建議,她們比較獨立,雖然仍在某些觀點上順應父權價值,卻也擁有突破其限制的潛力。如此態勢下,儘管隨著社會經濟的變化,台灣婦女勞動參與率逐年提升,但家庭仍是左右職業婦女就業的重要因素。也因此職業婦女一旦流產,面對的不只是個人職涯規劃問題,還包括了整個家庭,甚或職場同事,對其之是否善盡生育義務之質疑,這些質疑在建構成為職業婦女重返職場所應具備的心理適應。 本研究採滾雪球方式,邀請10對曾有流產經驗的重返職場之婦女及其配偶參與研究,採用質性研究的敘事分析,應用半結構式的深度訪談來蒐集資料,藉以了解其流產後與配偶、公婆、娘家父母的關係變化,以及職場中所面對的相關社會支持有哪些。本研究結果,婦女流產過程中不僅要接受失落的事實及經歷哀傷的痛苦,得承受男方家庭傳宗接代觀念,導致婦女將大部分心力轉向投入生育,並藉此找回自我認同的角色。相反之,若家人對婦女身體平安及健康比傳宗接代更重視,反而減輕流產後婦女的心理負擔,使婦女重返職場更能適應。最後,研究者肯認流產婦女回到職場之必要性,因此衷心期盼企業能提供和諧之工作環境,讓流產婦女在工作與孕育下一代間,得到最完善之平衡。


In the 21st century, the influence of traditional patriarchy on women's fertility still exists. In marital life, women are not only hinted at the necessity of their fertility, but also need to shoulder the responsibility of parenting. With the general enhancement in the qualifications of women in Taiwan, women who have a greater autonomy and learning desire could seek professional advice. Although they still obey the patriarchy value, they have the potential to break through its limits. However, despite the socio-economic changes, Taiwan's women labor participation rate increased year by year, but family is still an important factor in the employment of professional women. Therefore, when the occupation of women miscarry, she have to face not only personal career planning problems, but also questions that the whole family and colleagues question whether or not to make a childbearing obligation, these questions become the psychological barrier that a professional woman returns to workplace. In this study, we collected 10 pairs of women and their spouses who had the experience of abortion to participate in the study. We used the narrative analysis of qualitative research and used semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect information. We hope to understand the changes in relationship between the abortion of women and spouse, in-laws or her parents, and what kind of social support the abortion of women faces in the workplace. The results of this study, the abortion of women not only have to accept the lost facts and the pain of sorrow but to bear the concept of continuing the family bloodline, which is result in that women will turn most of effort to fertility and to retrieve the role of self-identity. On the contrary, the family's concern for women in health is better than to carry on family name, which could reduce the psychological burden of women after abortion, so that women return to the workplace more adaptable. Finally, the researchers acknowledge the need for miscarriage of women to return to the workplace, so we hope enterprise could provide a harmonious working environment for abortion women who could get balance between jobs and gestate generation.


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