  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Growth Strategy of a Conglomerate Firm from Competence-based Perspective

指導教授 : 李吉仁


企業成長議題一向是管理者所面臨的最大考驗,也是策略管理學界重要的研究課題。根據策略分析的基本邏輯,吾人可以區分兩種成長策略思考邏輯:一為由外而內的成長邏輯,可稱之為『機會基礎成長策略』,另一則為由內而外的成長邏輯,可稱之為『能耐基礎成長策略』。這兩種成長路徑,需要不同的配合條件,對於企業永續經營,亦應該有不同的影響與意涵才是,但過往研究卻較少注意此一對於企業成長的根本質疑。有鑑於此,本研究擬以國內著名的集團企業—奇美集團—其過去四十餘年來的事業發展軌跡,進行深度的質化分析,期能對於企業成長策略邏輯,提出加值的見解。 本研究首先針對奇美集團主要涉入的兩個產業,石化產業與液晶面板(TFT-LCD)產業,提出產業結構分析,再將奇美集團四十餘年的企業發展歷史,以『奇美實業』與『奇美電子』為該集團事業主軸分成三個階段,解析該集團相關資源佈局與策略活動,並結合每一階段的外部環境變化,尋找出不同時期所建立之能耐主體,從而勾勒出奇美集團成長的歷程與能耐發展關係,並解析奇美集團從石化產業選擇跨入光電產業的策略條件。 透由此一分析過程,本研究發現,雖然石化與光電產業個性迥異,但奇美實業與奇美電子具有高度共通的能耐特色與經營邏輯;本研究亦說明了企業成長策略之形成是意識到外部機會之存在,評估企業所擁有的核心能耐是否能回應外部機會,無法回應之處則必須建構出新的能耐以克服環境限制,以延伸核心能耐來制定成長策略;而新建立之能耐將是形成新核心能耐之重要來源,亦是企業得以能耐基礎持續成長之動力。


The issue of business growth critically challenges managerial capabilities and therefore has been an important research issue in the field of strategic management. According to the fundamental strategy logic, there are two types of strategic logic for a firm in pursuing growth. One is outside-in approach, i.e., pursuing growth mainly based on external opportunities. We may call this as opportunity-based growth strategy. On the contrary, the other one is inside-out approach, i.e., driving growth mainly based on internal distinctive competence. We may call this as competence-based growth strategy. While these two approaches of strategic thinking are nevertheless interrelated, they may have different implication on the strategic choices on development path and resource allocations, which have received little attention in the previous literature. The present research attempts to take a qualitative approach to this interesting yet less explored issue by investigating corporate development history of a local business group, Chi-Mei, Inc., which has transformed herself from a global petrochemical giant to a major play in global TFT-LCD panel market. To provide comparative industry backgrounds, we start from industry analyses on these two industries in which Chi-Mei involved. We then built the forty-year history of corporate development of Chi Mei in terms of major strategic decisions and subsequent resource allocations the company undertaken along the time line. We specifically emphasize on exploring how different competence levels were developed during different corporate development periods. By so doing, this thesis is able to provide various graphs depicting the interactions between competencies and business growth under which business growth logic of Chi Mei can be drawn. Based on detailed comparisons between strategic activity systems of Chi-Mei in developing petrochemical and TFT-LCD businesses, we found that a great extent of similaries exists in business logic and competencies between Chi-Mei’s operations in the petrochemical and TFT-LCD industries. In other words, although they are different in industry characteristics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics actually leveraged the core competencies built by Chi Mei Corporation. Moreover, the dynamics between competency and business logic helps to explain the formation of the business growth strategy under the perception of the existence of external opportunities, the development of new competence in overcoming the limits of the environment, and leveraging the existing competences to sustain growth. Overall, we found that a company’s capabilities in building and leveraging competencies constitute the engine of sustaining business growth.


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吳珮甄(2005)。由動態能力觀點分析企業協同凝聚: 以復盛集團成長策略為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500261
