  • 學位論文


The Effect of the Reasons of Price Inflation on Consumers’Perceived Price Fairness and Brand Reputation

指導教授 : 張重昭


物價上漲一直存在於我們的生活中,可能是因為通貨膨脹、匯率上升、原物料成本上漲或廠商人事成本增加等可控制或不可控制的因素造成。 價格(Price)是行銷4 P之一,而價格也是最操作的行銷組合元素(marketing-mix element)(Kotler ,2003),廠商藉由價格策略的設定,可以傳達給消費者產品的屬性、品質,是直接影響到營收及獲利的重要策略因素。廠商也常藉由價格改變來提高營收和獲利,價格促銷策略可以增加銷售量、打擊競爭對手,但是可能傷害品牌形象;漲價策略則較常用在反映各類成本、提高毛利甚至產品重新定位,但相反的也可能損及品牌形象。 本研究的目的在於瞭解漲價行為與提供漲價理由對於消費者認知上的價格公平性和品牌評價有還影響,主要的研究方向有下列三項: 1.探討在各種成本面的漲價理由中,消費者對價格的公平性有何不同差異? 2.探討不同產品類中,不同漲價理由對價格公平性有何不同影響?與不提供理由相比是否公平性較高 3.探討不同漲價理由,對於不同產品類,在漲價前後的品牌評價有何改變? 因此,本研究將根據以上議題,希望能為廠商找出消費者認為價格公平性高且不傷害品牌評價的漲價理由,形成締造雙贏的漲價策略。


Abstract The Price inflation is all around us. The reasons of price inflation may be Inflation, changes of exchange rate, price rising of row materials and production cost. All these reasons are caused by controllable or uncontrollable factors. Price is one of the“4Ps”, and price is the most usually used marketing-mix element(Kolter,2003).The company communicates product attitude, quality to consumers by setting price strategy. Price influence revenue and profit directly. Price promotion strategy rises sales volume, beats competitors, but may hurt brand reputation. Price inflation strategy is usually used to react the rising of cost or to rise profit, even to reposition the product. But it may also hurt the brand reputation. The purpose of my research is to find the influences of reasons of price inflation on price fairness and brand reputation. The main aspects of my research is listed below: 1.To discuss is there any difference to the consumers’ price fairness when the various reasons of price inflation are provided. 2. To discuss if different product category influences consumers’ price fairness when the various reasons of price inflation are provided or no reason is provided. 3.To discuss if different product category and different reasons of price inflation influence the brand reputation. My research base on those aspects, and try to find the successful price inflation strategy which avoids the harm of price fairness and brand reputation.


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