  • 學位論文


Application of Design-Build Delivery System – the Problems and Solutions Comparison between Vietnam and Taiwan

指導教授 : 王明德




統包 問題 解決策略 越南 台灣


Many problems usually happen in practicing of construction projects. Most of them could be interesting and essential topics for research. In fact, the execution problems are quite different for different countries. Even though design-build (DB) arrangements have several advantages, project owners are not using them to a large extent in many countries. This may be due to some inherent problems that owners face in their DB projects (Ling F.Y.Y., Poh B.H.M., 2008). This research mainly studies the problems owners meet in carrying out the design-build projects in the following stages: tender preparation, tender evaluation, design, and construction stage. The study also conducted a comparison of the problems between the projects in Vietnam and Taiwan. This M.S. thesis adopted the opinion quantitative research method to achieve the initial objectives. The questionnaire survey was prepared after reviewing the previous literatures about this topic in the world. Then, the exploratory interview was conducted to ask the opinions of three project managers who have more than 20 years experience in construction industry and at least experience in two DB projects to uncover other problems in the actual context of Vietnam construction. The survey was conducted both in Vietnam and Taiwan to collect the empirical data. All of selected respondents have worked as the member of owner’s organizations with at least one DB project. The input survey data then was analyzed by the SPSS software. Some major findings can be drawn that there has been some similarities in ranking severity problems; whereas, the result also existed some contrary assessment results in the ranking of two countries’ respondents. While there was an agreement on the ranking of the problems among each country’s respondents, there still exists a significant disagreement between Vietnam and Taiwan’s respondents on the ranking of the problems. Some long-term and short-term suggestions to help the Vietnamese DB owners overcome the top critical problems in Vietnam includes (1) engaging a consultant, (2) engaging a project manager (PM), (3) setting up the DB research center, (4) enlarging DB education and training, (5) setting up an appropriate tender evaluation system, (6) learning from best practices adopted by other firms, (7) improving legal framework to support DB application, (8) making more critical of detail design in RFP, (9) Setting up the construction document committee.


Design-build Problem Solution Vietnam Taiwan


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2. Arditi, D., and Lee, D.E. (2003). “Assessing the corporate service quality performance of design-build contractors using quality function deployment.” Construction-Management and-Economic., 21(2), 175–185.
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14. Friedlander, M.C. (1998). Design-build solutions. Journal of Management in Engineering, 14(6), 59-64.
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