  • 學位論文

志異童年和家的論述: 重讀《紅髮安妮》、《祕密花園》、與《新月莊的艾蜜莉》

Gothic Girlhood and the Discourse of Home: (Re)Reading Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, and Emily of New Moon

指導教授 : 古佳艷


在文中我以《紅髮安妮》、《祕密花園》和《新月莊的艾蜜莉》這三本少女小 說為主軸,來討論志異寫作傳統和青少年及兒童作品如何銜接。這三本少女小說 著重於孤女角色在扶養家庭中各自的成長經驗,同時點出十九世紀社會對家的理 想形象塑造。再者,孤女角色們被賦予愛德華時期兒童特有的自主性和行動力, 更加凸顯出她們和所處家庭及社會的不協調。我認為志異寫作傳統與十九世紀普 遍的家庭理想在表達兒童經歷自身家庭定位和身分變動所產生的不確定感的著 墨上,讓這三部少女小說更有深度。 《紅髮安妮》、《祕密花園》和《新月莊的艾蜜莉》和文壇名作《諾桑覺寺》、 《咆哮山莊》以及《簡愛》有所關聯。因此,我檢視珍.奧斯丁和伯朗特姊妹的 這三部作品來探討和三部少女小說文學上的關係,以探討少女主角們各自的經驗 如何引出十八和十九世紀末的志異傳統和主題。 我的討論建立在十九世紀的家的理想以及家的觀念,同時點出露西.莫德. 蒙哥馬利(《紅髮安妮》與《新月莊的艾蜜莉》的作者)和法蘭瑟絲.貝尼特(《祕密花園》的作者)的生活與閱讀經驗如何影響她們的作品。我想以取經志異文學傳統的角度,並加入愛德華時期兒童角色和自然與家庭的關係來重讀這三本少女小說。


In the thesis I choose the three girl’s fictions—Anne of Green Gables, The Secret Garden, and Emily of New Moon, to explore how the Gothic writing tradition and writings for adolescents and children are connected. The three novels focus on orphan girls’ respective experiences in adoptive homes, bringing forth the domestic ideal of home in the 19th century. Also, the girl protagonists are endowed with Edwardian autonomy and activeness that further point out their incongruity with the home and society at the time. I consider the Gothic writing tradition and the ideal of home promoted in the 19th century contribute to the depth of the three girl’s fictions regarding to the uncertainty of one’s place in family and changing identity. The three chosen novels have literary connection with Northanger Abbey, Wuthering Heights, and Jane Eyre. Therefore, I examine the literary influence from the established works by Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters to look into girl heroines’life and growth in the chosen texts to discuss how their respective experiences evoke the Gothic tradition and motifs from the prominent works from the last centuries. I base my discussion on the 19th century domestic ideal and concept of home, with regard to personal life and readings L. M. Montgomery (the writer of Anne of Green Gables and Emily of New Moon) and Frances Burnett (the writer of The Secret Garden) put into their works. I want to reread the three girl’s fictions as invested with profound literary tradition from Gothic conventions and settings, along with Edwardian literary children’ relation with nature and family.


Works Cited
Abrams, M.H. “The Correspondent Breeze: A Romantic Metaphor.” The
1984. 25-43.
2008. Print.
Allen, J. McGrigor. “On the Real Differences in the Minds of Men and Women.”
