  • 學位論文


The Relationship between China and Taiwan in Macro-economics

指導教授 : 林建甫


1949年海峽兩岸開始分治,雙方進入經貿交流黑暗期,直到1978年中國大陸實行改革開放政策與1987年我國解除戒嚴令後,由於雙方具有相近的語言、文化與地理位置,兩岸經貿交流遂日益密切。2014年3月18日我國爆發太陽花學運,抗爭持續將近一個月,受到國內外高度關注。論及《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》對我國的影響,學界正反面看法不一,支持者主張自由貿易將可創造經濟效益,反對者則認為過度開放將造成不對稱競爭。 本文建立我國總體經濟計量模型,引入《海峽兩岸服務貿易協議》的爭議焦點,分析中國大陸與我國總體經濟的連動性。模型橫跨民間部門與政府部門,包含商品市場、貨幣市場、金融市場與勞動市場,由眾多定義式與時間序列的最小平方法估計式組成。每條估計式之間具有連動關係,此條估計式的被解釋變數,可作為另條估計式的解釋變數,再配合定義式的設計,可連結各市場與部門,並透過經濟理論與統計方法的合理性檢驗,用以捕捉我國總體經濟的傳導機制。 總體經濟計量模型建構完成後,首先以Gauss-Seidel數值方法進行求解,預測樣本內與樣本外的我國總體經濟變動趨勢,並採用四種配適指標衡量,以確保模型具有良好的配適程度。接著以情境分析的方式,針對中國大陸國內生產毛額與中國大陸投資我國金額,討論兩者對我國總體經濟的影響。發現中國大陸國內生產毛額透過淨出口、國外要素所得與金融帳餘額產生影響,中國大陸投資我國金額則透過股市成交值產生影響,兩者的成長皆為我國總體經濟帶來正面效益。


Since China and Taiwan separated in 1949, the cross-strait economic communication was completely cut off. After the China’s economic reform was carried out in 1978 and Taiwan removed the Martial Law in 1987, due to similar language, culture and location, the cross-strait economic communication began to warm up gradually. The Sunflower Student Movement erupted on 18th March 2014 in Taiwan. The protest not only continued nearly a month but also received worldwide media coverage. With regard to the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA), Taiwan academia appears to have different arguments. Supporters advocate that free trade will bring economic benefits for Taiwan. Opponents then believe that Taiwan’s domestic industries will be damaged through asymmetry competition from China. To analyze CSSTA, this paper is to build Taiwan’s macro-econometrics model and use it for discussing the relationship between China and Taiwan in macro-economy. This model contains private and public sectors and consists of not only goods, money, finance and labor markets but also a lot of definition equations and time-series ordinal least square estimation equations. Each estimation equation exists linked layout. The same variable can be the dependent variable in one estimation equation and the independent variable in another estimation equation. Through definition equations, the model can connect every market and sector and capture Taiwan’s transitional mechanism in macro-economy by using economic theories and statistic methods. After construction of this model, first of all, to execute the in-sample and out-of -sample forecast for long-run trend in Taiwan’s macro-economy based on Gauss-Seidel numerical approach and ensure good fitness of the model with four fitness indexes. Then, to enter into scenario analysis and observe Taiwan’s impulse response in macro-economy by China’s Gross Domestic Product and China’s investment amount in Taiwan. According to the model forecast, China’s Gross Domestic Product operates through net export, factor income from abroad and financial account. China’s investment amount in Taiwan operates through stock amount. The growth of these two variables will bring economic benefits for Taiwan.


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