  • 學位論文


Splendors of Polychrome Inlay: The Art of Bai-bao Qian in the 16th-18th Centuries

指導教授 : 施靜菲


百寶嵌,一種以各色絢爛材質鑲嵌圖案或圖畫的裝飾技法,廣泛運用於文房、家具,雖然被熟知為晚明興起的新興技術,並於清代中葉大放異彩,但不論是晚明的創發脈絡或是清代的發展實況,都尚未有以之為主體發展出系統性的全面討論。而以複合材質、多種形式的百寶嵌技術為研究對象,有助於我們跳脫以材質分類的框架,更多元地認識明清裝飾藝術的面貌。 本研究以十六至十八世紀的裝飾技法─百寶嵌為討論中心,討論上並非全然以時間為軸,關心的議題分別以人、物、場域作為切入點,每個部分或有相互包含之處,以不同角度探討明清百寶嵌裝飾技法的發展。其一,是釐清文獻上包含技法與名家之異名,考訂晚明相關名匠姓名應為周治,並更正過往對於百寶嵌產地的偏誤印象,進一步釐清明末至清中葉製作產地範圍的擴張現象,與不同時代的消費群對百寶嵌的相異評價,奠定研究基礎。第二部分,是結合文物考察百寶嵌的具體特質,試圖為之重建工藝脈絡與源流,說明其最初發展與螺鈿工藝密切相關,同時提供不同取向,提示晚明百寶嵌的創新靈感,與世界歷史上其他相類鑲嵌技法的可能關係,並思考其在藝術史發展中的定位。再者,則是探討清代宮廷中百寶嵌的裝飾發展與應用,說明百寶嵌在取材與技法上的調整及變化,可能受到材料來源、製作場域及宮廷偏好等面向的影響。就如此時帝王重視鑲嵌材質之質地、色彩與立體感的展現,反應在特定主題的百寶嵌工藝上。進一步,提出百寶嵌作為清代宮廷裝飾一環,其中可能包含的文化交流啟示,補充我們對於清代宮廷裝飾藝術不同層次的理解。


百寶嵌 周製 鑲嵌 螺鈿 清宮 裝飾 文化交流


Bai Bao Qian (“inlay with hundreds of treasures’’) refers to a technique of decorating lacquer ware or wood ware with inlaid pictures formed by shaped colored materials (mostly precious stones). As one of the most important decorative techniques of Early Modern China, Bai Bao Qian is commonly considered as a new achievement of the late Ming dynasty, reaching its full maturity in the mid Qing dynasty. However, the history of Bai Bao Qian remains obscure. Consequently, the present study aims to clarify it from three aspects, spanning from the 16th century to the 18th century. The first part discusses Zhou Zhi, the alleged master of Bai Bao Qian in the late Ming, along with Bai Bao Qian’s producing area and the consumer evaluations of these artworks. Secondly, it is argued that Bai Bao Qian owes much to the tradition of mother-of-pearl inlay, perhaps with the inspiration from pietre dure in the context of world art history. Finally, the Qing court is taken into view, whose influence on Bai Bao Qian in the 18th century is manifested on the choices of inlaid materials, forms, themes, artisans, production sites, etc. Featuring interactions between the East and the West, Bai Bao Qian, a crucial part of the decoration and display of the Qing court, provides a fresh look into the decorative art of the High Qing.


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