  • 學位論文

臺灣人壽保險業經營效率評估 -網絡差額變量資料包絡分析法運用

Efficiency Evaluation for Life Insurance Industry: Application of NSBM DEA

指導教授 : 雷立芬


本研究應用Tone & Tsutsui (2009)所提出網絡差額變量資料包絡分析模式(Network Slacks-Based Measure DEA Model;NSBM),並參考Nourani, Devadason, Kweh, & Lu (2016)將人壽保險產業之整體經營過程拆解為「管理與價值創造」兩階段,針對2010年至2015年間臺灣地區的人壽保險公司進行經營效率分析。 研究發現,在實證期間中,我國人壽保險業整體之經營效率呈上升趨勢,而在管理效率的表現上亦呈進步趨勢。其中在業務推廣過程中,業務管理費所須減少的幅度是最大的,而在提供客戶保障上,近年無效率情形近乎不存在。為了更精確分析各公司經營無效率缺口,本研究參考BCG成長占有率矩陣概念,結合NSBM所評估之效率值,建置我國人壽保險業之管理決策矩陣圖,將廠商定位並協助管理決策者發現公司經營無效率缺口來自何處,並提供效率改善之發展策略建議。 最後,本研究應用Tobit迴歸模型,研究其他影響人壽保險公司經營效率之因素,結果顯示:金控背景與市占率對於總合效率、管理效率與價值創造效率皆存在顯著之正向影響;而13個月保費繼續率則存在負面影響。希冀本研究之效率評估結果能提供政府監理單位、民間保戶、投資大眾與壽險業管理者對於我國人壽保險市場之經營概況,亦並提供管理者,決策判斷之參考依據。


This paper applies the network slack-based measurement DEA model (NSBM) proposed by Tone & Tsutsui (2009) to evaluate the overall efficiency of Taiwan’s life insurance companies over the period 2010-2015, and decompose the whole process of operation into two stages which include two efficiency components, managerial stage and value-creation stage according to the Nourani, Devadason, Kweh, & Lu (2016). The empirical results indicate that the overall and managerial efficiency of the life insurance industry in Taiwan was on the upward trend. Among all of the inputs in the process of product promotion, managing fee had the maximum room for improvement. In addition, there was almost no inefficiency in providing the policyholders protection in the recent years. To precisely analyze the inefficiency and provide the decision-makers the recommendations of the development strategy based on their deficiency, the study combines the BCG growth-share matrix and the two stage efficiencies from NSBM to construct the managerial decision-making matrix of Taiwan life insurance industry. Finally, through Tobit regression model, financial holding company and market share positively influence on the overall, managerial and value-creation efficiency. On the contrary, the 13 months persistency have negative influence. The findings could provide competent national authorities, policyholders, investors and decision-makers with the overview of life insurance market and be implemented to refer to decision-makers selection decisions.


