  • 學位論文


Magnetically controllable random lasers

指導教授 : 陳永芳


可調控性是隨機雷射邁向實際應用的一個關鍵。在本論文中,我們成功展示了磁控隨機雷射。我們使用了無毒的Stilbene 420 雷射染料和二氧化鈦與四氧化三鐵的奈米粒子組成磁控隨機雷射。磁控隨機雷射具有良好的磁場可調控和切換性,並且在長時間的測試下亦有良好的穩定性。磁場可操控四氧化三鐵磁性奈米粒子在系統中的分布,這改變了形成雷射的封閉迴圈,進而得到可調控的雷射。此工作可視為發展潛在磁控光學裝置的原型,如生物醫學和光學通信。


Towards practical applications of random lasers, controllability is a key factor. Herein, magnetically controllable random lasers (MCRLs) are demonstrated. Under prescribed magnetic field, the MCRLs composed of all nontoxic materials, including stilbene 420 laser dye, TiO2 nanoparticles, and Fe3O4 nanoparticles, possess magnetic controllability and switchability with good responsivity and durability. The distribution of Fe3O4 nanoparticles can be manipulated by an applied magnetic field, which in turn alters the formation of the coherent loops and the properties of laser action. The MCRLs developed here can serve as magneto-optics prototypes for several potential applications, such as biomedicine and optical communications.


Chapter 1
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