  • 學位論文


The Rebranding Strategy of Traditional Enterprises — A Case Study of W Company in the Chinese Herbal Medicine Industry

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


近年來,台灣因大環境的改變,許多百年品牌企業消費族群已出現了老化的現象,即便今日擁有強勢的品牌力,也將需面臨轉型危機。許多百年企業開始藉由不同的行銷的手法,希望將品牌回春,吸引更多年輕消費族群前來購買。但重新塑造品牌形象是需要長期投入大量的行銷資本與人力才能在消費者心中重新建立印象且實際的成效卻是很難被量化估計。也因此每一筆行銷預算的投入前都是必須審慎思考其用途,才能正向的幫助到品牌的成長,而不是白白的浪費資金而無法回收。 本研究之標的個案公司「W公司」為金門百年老店,為金門當地為相當知名的老字號商家,其雖然在消費者心中擁有相當強勢的品牌力,但由於商品客群年齡逐漸上升,品牌活力逐漸對新一代消費者失去吸引力。加上今時今日,多元且快速的資訊發展讓消費者對商品的選擇日漸豐富,競爭業者紛紛進入並瓜分市場等不利因素,都對W公司未來經營產生了一定的威脅,但W公司面對此趨勢,不僅沒有衰退的跡象,反而有成長的趨勢。 也因此,本研究希望深入探究百年企業W公司在面臨老化且競爭者眾多的狀況下,W公司是如何運用自己既有的能耐並如何去結合新興的科技與行銷手法,讓公司在面臨如此困難的處境下,依然可以在眾多競爭者脫穎而出,成為兩岸三地金門遊客的首選品牌。


In recent years, due to the environment changes in Taiwan market, many businesses which had lasted for over 100 years would often face the brand aging phenomenon, even the strong brand power companies, would also face the crisis of business transformation. Many Taiwanese centennial enterprises began to use different marketing strategy to do the brand rejuvenation and want to attract more young consumers. But it will take the investment with large number of marketing capital and labors to reshape the brand image into consumer’s mind in long-term. Also, the result was difficult to be counted. Therefore, each marketing budgets must be carefully considered before the investment and it could help the growth of the brand, rather than wasting the funds and cannot be recycled. The study of the "W company" is the centennial enterprise which is the well-known merchant in Kinmen County. Although W company has a strong brand power in customers’ mind, but due to the age growing by their customers, young people is not so interesting in Chinese herbal medicine products. Today, the information development is so rapidly that the consumers had more and more options to choice. Also, many competitors started get into this industry and divided the market. Those unfavorable factors let W company face a certain threat in the future, but W company never afraid. As a result, this paper will explore the centennial enterprise of W company which with the competitors surrounding issue. Discovering how it used their own ability to combine the new technology and marketing strategy, and overcome the difficulties. W company eventually standing out at any other competitors and being the top brand in Kinmen County.


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