  • 學位論文


Explore Chunghwa Telecom's CSR Strategies by the Practice Experience of PLANET Technology

指導教授 : 練乃華
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興 余峻瑜


氣候變遷對於世界各地的影響逐漸加劇,天災帶來的人員與財產損失也日益嚴重。「氣候風險的衡量」對現代企業的永續經營已產生關鍵影響,因此,減緩與調適氣候變遷已成為企業永續經營的責任,必須從日常經營上即落實因應措施,積極降低對環境負擔,善盡企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)。 中華電信推動「企業社會責任(CSR)」已逾10年,相關作為的項目極廣,惟外界印象有限、記憶點少,且內部推動相關實務,因缺乏共識,常事倍功半。再加上與同業之間在各類CSR獎項評比的差距逐漸縮小,因此亟思改進、革新之道。 而普萊德科技素有CSR界小巨人美譽,以其員工全員多元參與CSR各類作為而知名,在各類CSR獎項之評比上,也屢獲肯定。 爰此,本研究透過深入了解普萊德推動CSR實務的策略、作法,整理精耕CSR的三大構面、以及各個構面的關鍵成功因素,分別是: (1) 經濟構面 -良好的經營績效、透明的資訊傳遞、周全的員工照顧、前瞻的產業佈局 -關鍵成功要素:堅持的精神+開放的態度 (2)環境構面 -明確的趨勢掌握、清楚的標準設立、確實的程序執行、系統的反饋累積 -關鍵成功要素: 明確的標準+落實的決心 (3)社會構面 -聚焦的議題塑造、互動的社會參與、多元的偕同合作、開放的跨界交流 -關鍵成功要素: 共好的訴求+集體的力量


The impact of climate change on the world is gradually increasing. As one of the consequences, the casualties and property loss caused by natural disasters are also growing. Thus, "assessment of climate risks" has been a urgent and critical topic for the sustainable operation of modern enterprises. Specifically, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change have become the responsibility of enterprises' sustainable operation. The enterprises must implement the response measures in the daily operations to reduce the negative impact on the environment, and to fulfill the corporate social responsibility. Chunghwa Telecom has promoted the "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" for more than 10 years. Although the CSR related projects are numerous, the general public knows very little about them and even have no impression. Moreover, the promotion of CSR practices has not been productive because the lack of consensus within Chunghwa Telecom. From outside point of view, our peer corporations have gradually caught up with us in variety of CSR evaluations and awards. Therefore, it is urgent for us to figure out innovative ways to significantly improve our CSR efforts and recognition. The PLANET Technology, the small giant in the CSR industry, is well-known for its diverse participation in CSR. It has also been repeatedly recognized in the evaluation of various CSR awards. This study aims at understanding the CSR strategies from the PLANET Technology to be a reference for Chunghwa Telecom's intensive CSR. Three aspects and critical successful factors are concluded and explained in the following. (1) Economic aspect - Good business performance, transparent information delivery, comprehensive employee care, and forward-looking industrial layout - Key success factors: the spirit of persistence and open mind (2) Environmental aspect - Mastery of trend, set up clear standards, solid program execution, and accumulation of system feedbacks - Key success factors: Clear criteria and commitment to the implementation (3) Social aspect - Shaping focused topic, interactive social participation, diverse partnerships, open cross-border exchanges - Key success factors: A good appeal and the power of the collective


中華電信,2018,2017年CSR報告書,https://www.cht.com.tw/zh-tw/home/cht/sustainability/csr-report-download ,搜尋日期 : 2018年8月20日。
台灣好室,2016,SDGs 專欄/世界正在翻轉!認識聯合國永續發展目標,https://npost.tw/archives/24078,搜尋日期:2016年4月12日。
