  • 學位論文


Study on the relationship between aquatic plants and water quality improvement of shallow ecological ponds in NTU

指導教授 : 侯文祥


利用水生植物吸收營養鹽之生物方法達到水質淨化再利用的好處是耗能低、成效高、環境友善及永續經營,藉由水生植物可以處理水中過多氮、磷營養鹽造成的優養化水體。本研究包括兩部分,首先以臺灣大學校園內,水深低於1公尺之淺水生態池作為現地計量試驗對象包括生工系水池、法學院弄春池、醉月湖(小湖)、瑠公圳(醉月湖段)及農經系水池等共五個現域生態池,調查時間為2018年6月至2019年5月共一年。包括觀察計量共10種水生植物覆蓋水面面積的月別成長速率變化及水質計測。再選定瑠公圳水域之水生植物圓葉節節菜,在實驗室進行環境變化之植物吸收營養鹽速率試驗,針對水溫、水體流況之環境變化與水生植物吸收營養鹽濃度變化進行探討,利用預備試驗得出的最佳組合A3(營養鹽含氮量250 ppm,植物初鮮重15g)進行標準試驗,試驗自2019.05.07至05.28為期21天(春季間),每7天固定計測一次,每次計測項目分別為植物鮮重變化、氨氮、亞硝酸、硝酸、酸鹼值、電導度、水溫及當日氣溫。結果得知,現場量測中,粉綠狐尾藻無論在冬季或夏季增生速率與氣溫變化大致相同,於水溫較高時生長面積較廣。圓葉節節菜在春夏季生長旺盛,綠色覆蓋速率高,入冬後生長減緩,至隔年氣溫回升才會恢復生長。以上兩種水生植物為建議選用之主要物種。台灣萍蓬草及菖蒲,於一年調查期間之生長狀況並無太大變化,增長速率與氣溫變化一致且較為緩慢。 標準試驗中,圓葉節節菜單位鮮重吸收氨氮及硝酸氮速率,在高水溫之吸收速率較佳。負值表示該營養鹽有被吸收,在淺水池高水溫期間,水體有流動情況,可吸收硝酸速率約為−0.79~−1.27mg/g/day。水體無流動情況,可吸收硝酸速率約為−0.05~−0.98mg/g/day。因此,若圓葉節節菜開始出現爛根狀況,則代表水中營養鹽含量已過高。期望本研究可提供未來生態池種植圓葉節節菜的建議,提供校園人工景觀池的生態設計工法與管理操作原則,以及水生植物選種與種植管理的參考。


The advantages for using aquatic plant to purify water quality are low energy consumption, high effective, environmental friendly and sustainable development. Besides, aquaplants could deal with exceed ammonia and phosphorus nutrients in eutrophication. This study contains two parts, the first part is to observe and discuss five shallow ecoponds at NTU campus, including the BSE pond, LAW pond, Drunken Moon Lake (small lake), Yu Gong waterway and DAE pond, which have under 1 meter depth. Ten kinds of aquatic plants growth rate are measured monthly, within one year from 2018.06 to 2019.05 by measuring the covering water surface area and water quality. Then, an aquatic plant Roundleaf Rotala is selected to be the subject of in different environment. To test the nutrient absorption rate with two different water temperatures and flow conditions, we used 250ppm ammonia in nutrient and 15g wet weight for initial plans to measure the changes of the plants wet weights, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, EC, water temperatures and temperature from 2019.05.07 to 2019.05.28 into 21 days per 7 days. The result shows that the covering water area is positive correlation at higher water temperature. Myriophyllum growth rate is similar to temperature no matter spring or winter. Roundleaf Rotala grows faster with higher covering water rate in spring and summer. The two aquatic plants are recommended for planting. The others plants inciuding Yellow Water Lily and Drug Sweetflag, etc., can’t increase during one year. In standard experiment, for Roundleaf Rotala, the nitrogen absorption per rate wet weight is more effective at 30°C water temperature and water flow state, the nitrogen absorption rate of Roundleaf Rotala is about −0.79~−1.27 mg/g/day,and the nitrate absorption rate is about −0.05~−0.98 mg/g/day. Therefore, the dissolved nutrient is excess if the root of Roundleaf Rotala begin rotten. However, the precise ammonia and nitrate still need to be tested. This study is looking forward to provide suggestions of planting Roundleaf Rotala in ecological ponds in the future. Furthermore, providing principle for ecology design method, management and choosing aquatic plants.


