  • 學位論文


The contribution of urban farming to social sustainability: a case study of four urban gardens in Taipei

指導教授 : 張聖琳
共同指導教授 : 林宗弘(Thung-Hong Lin)




Urban farming has been emerging in Taipei City for around ten years. In such a metropolitan area with high population density and low vegetable prices, what is the contribution of urban gardens to the society? To answer this question, I conducted a case study on four urban gardens of different types in Taipei: Fujian Community Farm, a community-based garden, Elephant Mountain Farm, a therapeutic garden, Daan Senior Garden, a senior volunteer garden, and Winkler Partners Rooftop Garden, an enterprise-based garden. With a theoretical framework of social sustainability, this study outlined the contributions of the four gardens to social justice, social capital, and subjective well-being. The study found that: 1. The construction of urban gardens could contribute to both distributive justice and participatory justice. With a more flexible site selection and carefully designed facilities, the gardens provided farming and recreational opportunities to the spatially or physically disadvantaged groups (e.g., communities without green spaces, senior citizens, and people with physical or mental disabilities); and they also promoted citizen participation on public space decision and management. 2. Different urban gardens would contribute to different types of social capitals: gardens based on established communities tended to increase bonding social capital and strengthen group cohesion, while gardens engaging multiple groups/populations enhanced bridging social capital and thus facilitated the social inclusion of marginalized groups. Urban gardens played multiple roles in strengthening interpersonal ties and community cohesion: crops and vegetables became daily gifts with reciprocal meaning, green spaces provided opportunities for encountering and gathering, farming activities created similar identities and common topics, and the garden as a whole provided a physical basis for task commitment and a symbol of group pride. 3. The urban gardens could enhance the subjective well-being of participants by meeting their needs of physical and mental health, social interaction, hobbies and leisure, and self-esteem. Among them, hobbies and leisure were related to a deeper cultural identity. Growing up in a society rich in agricultural culture, some Taiwan citizens generated a deep interest in farming. During the urbanization, however, they found no opportunities to realize their dreams. This gap between agricultural culture and urbanization reality was compensated by these urban gardens. These well-beings were created by farming work as community service/ voluntary work, or a more holistic workplace environment. These practices rethought and challenged the modern definition of work as income source, thus reconnecting work with social well-being. 4. In the urban gardens, four types of synergistic effects between environmental sustainability and social sustainability could be observed: intended synergy, unintended synergy, and in-return synergy.


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林 宗 弘 (2005)。譯序:邁可‧布若威與生產的政治。載於林宗弘等(譯),製造甘願:壟斷資本主義勞動過程的歷史變遷(16-22頁)(原作者:M. Burawoy)。臺北市:群學出版社。(原著出版年:1979)
