  • 學位論文


A study of current construction insurance issues in Taiwan: From the perspective of Owner Controlled Insurance Program

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


由於營造工程的規模漸趨龐大,參與工程的成員越來越多,其中分工與界面的關係也越來越複雜,過去傳統的由承包商自行投保方式產生了諸多的問題,例如投保範圍不夠完整、保費較高、承包商未投保或中途退保、出具不實保單賺取不法價差、保單中加貼了諸多限制之特約條款,甚至有時高風險性工程廠商會面臨買不到保險之困境發生。以及因為分標、分包界面造成保險糾紛、責任不易釐清等紛爭,為了有效解決這些問題,乃有「業主主控保險計畫」(又稱業主統保計畫)的興起。 本研究藉由所蒐集到工程保險案例之調查,了解到目前國內工程保險上存在許多實務上問題。另外針對國內具有實際執行業主主控保險計畫經驗之台北捷運局、台電公司、中油公司、以及政府所特許之高鐵、高雄捷運BOT特許工程、台北市穿越松山機場地下道工程個案等為研究對象,歸納整理其業主主控保險計畫之執行模式及保險內容探討。並首次針對台北捷運工程以及台電公司之預約年保單業主主控保險做法進行相關之效益分析。探討獲致國內公部門採行業主主控保險作法,確實能有效解決目前傳統投保方式上工程保險實務上諸多問題,以及能驗證出較傳統投保方式具有節省保費、提供較佳之保險條件等優勢。最後藉由與有執行經驗之上述單位併同其他保險實務專家之深入訪談作業,探究出國內適用主控保險業務應考量因素、保險適用範疇、可能面臨問題及解決對策。進而整理出公部門工程主辦機關辦理業主統保之建議執行程序,並建構出作業程序流程圖,以及業主主控保險之工程保險保單內容參考範例,實際提供國內公部門參考使用。


In view of the ever-increasing complexity & magnitude of the construction works in terms of both project size & number of parties involved, the traditional method of insurance arrangement by individual contractors has failed to meet the risk management objective for the project owner nowadays. The adverse impact of a traditional construction insurance approach could be manifold such as: inconsistent & inadequate policy covers; more restrictive insuring terms & conditions; mid-term policy cancellation or even absence of cover by some contractors; insurance policy issued with markups on premium costs, etc. Moreover, insurance overlaps or gaps in different policies will inevitably invite claims disputes as well as delay and uncertainties in claims settlement. In order to address the said problems, the scheme of Owner-Controlled-Insurance-Program (OCIP) has emerged as an effective solution. This research attempts to summarize and highlight the major characteristics, peculiar features and core values of the OCIP by conducting in-depth analytical review of the related documentation, dossier and academic literature works available for study. Following an extensive research & empirical investigation of numerous construction projects in Taiwan, this paper identifies a number of practical problems arising from the methods & management of insurance procurement. Also, by means of case studies this research proceeds to examine and compare the modus operandi and insurance policies relating to those construction work projects that have engaged the concept of OCIP in their insurance purchasing process. The departments under our review include Taipei Rapid Transit System, Taiwan Power Co. (TaiPower), China Petroleum Corp. (CPC), and BOT projects like Taiwan High Speed Railway, Kaohsiung Metro as well as the Taipei Airport Underpass project. The paper continues with a comparative analysis of the OCIP insurance arrangement taken out by Department of Rapid Transit Systems (DORTS) and the annual open policy project cover arranged by Taiwan Power Co. Our review of available evidence suggests that the adoption of the OCIP for public work projects in Taiwan have achieved premium costs reduction coupled with broader & favorable insurance policy terms & conditions. Besides, OCIP also helps tackle those problems inherent in the traditional method of obtaining insurance by individual contractors under the project. In short, this research purports to identify, discuss and review the various insurance arrangement problems commonly encountered by the construction sector in Taiwan. After analytical & empirical assessment of Owner-Controlled-Insurance-Programs undertaken by some Taiwan construction project sponsors, it’s hoped that the recommendations provided in this work will inspire the officials concerned and would serve as meaningful directives in implementation of OCIP for future projects in Taiwan.


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