  • 學位論文


Policy-making and Transformation of Taiwan’s Broadcasting Media Foreign Ownership Policy

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


我國傳播主管機關NCC在2007年草擬《通訊傳播管理法》草案,內容將外人投資規範分為三種,甲案為維持原貌,乙案首度開放無線廣電的外人持股,丙案則更進一步規畫完全開放有線與衛星廣電的外人持股。此舉引發社會討論。然而回顧我國有線電視外人所有權的規範在1993年立法之初,是以完全禁止做為管制規範,但在兩次修訂後,如今是以外人直接投資不得超過20%,直接與間接之總和不得超過60%。而在衛星廣電則是開放50%。 為何我國廣電媒體的外人所有權政策一再修正與開放?探究原因,無非是政策制定過程中受到來自國內外行動者的壓力所致。本研究將國內外行動者區分成四種:政治、經濟與公民行動者,並認為這些行動者在政策制定過程中向立法者施壓,使得政策結果能對其有利。 本研究旨在分析我國外人所有權的演變,以及政策制定過程中各行動者與主管機關的互動,並且期待從國外的相關規範,得出國際間對外人投資的態度和相關規範的趨勢,進而提出我國外人所有權的政策建議。 研究發現,全球的外資政策走向解除管制的趨勢,使得台灣的外資限制也可能在未來完全開放,因此建議主管機關可參考其他各國在開放結構管制的背後,以節目自製率或是公共必載等規定,避免影響我國文化自主性。 我國在全球化的影響下,難免受到國際行動者的壓力,但國內行動者的作為仍為政策制定過程中的主要壓力。另外,我國政治行動者逐漸成為經濟行動者的代理人,也顯示我國是以經濟發展做為政策的第一考量。最後,我國公民行動者在網路逐漸發達的同時,也逐漸建立自己的發聲管道,不再以傳統媒體為主,有利於公民的動員及介入政策。


Under the trend of globalization and deregulation, the policy of foreign ownership in broadcasting media in most countries started to change. In fact, the legislation had faced pressure from both foreign and domestic actors in the process. This research categorizes them into political actor, economical actor and social actor, who represent different interest sectors in expressing their own opinions. By intervening into the policy making process, various actors are able to influence and creating policy results in favor of their interests. This research thus analyzes the interactions between the actors and the authorities in the policy making process of the Cable Radio and Television Act, Satellite Broadcasting Act and Fundamental Communications Act, made by the National Communications Commission in 2007. To provide a basis for comparison, the research inspects the foreign ownership regislations in Korea, Australia, Netherland, the United Kingdom and the U.S, and concludes that the foreign ownership policy in the world is in the trend of deregulation. But while these countries allowing more foreign investment in the broadcasting industry, they also set out complete legislations to avoid the possible damages towards the states’ cultures. In Taiwan, the foreign ownership policy is also in the trend of deregulation. And due to the trend of globalization, we now face more and more foreign actors get involved in lobbying the related bills. But this research found out that although the foreign actors attempt to influence the policy-making process, the domestic actors take the predominant role in the process. In comparison with political, economical and social actor, the research observed that the political actor are usually represented the interest of the economical ones. Therefore, the economical actor has the dominant influence. However, the social actor became more and more active. The lawmakers should also take the opinions of the social actor into account in the future and take a complete set of form into consideration before granting more foreign investment in the ownership in Taiwan.


林祐聖等譯(2002)。《治理全球化:權力、權威與全球治理》。台北:韋伯文化。 〈原書David Held and Anthony McGrew[2002]. Governing globalization: Power, authority and global governance. UK: Blackwell Pub〉


