  • 學位論文

黑色流金•原鄉契機 ─ 泰武咖啡產業的現況與未來

Black Gold, Hope of the Tribe ─ Current Situation and the Future of Taiwu Coffee

指導教授 : 洪貞玲
共同指導教授 : 梁玉芳


二○○九年八月八日,莫拉克颱風襲臺,造成台南、高雄、屏東及台東等地傳出災情,平地市鎮及山林部落均受創嚴重。部分原住民地區,由於家園損毀、山林環境較不穩定,政府提供「遷村」方案,希望將部落整體安置於平地,使族人可另謀生存發展空間。 面對遷村政策,原鄉部落既有風俗、文化及生活習性,勢必面臨漢人社會直接衝擊。原有山林經濟、農耕模式,也將受平地市場機制挑戰。本篇深度報導將寫作焦點鎖定於屏東縣泰武鄉咖啡產業,藉由觀察此鄉於災前、災後產業發展,以田野紀錄方式,報導其咖啡產業的歷史、現況與未來。 本篇深度報導以八八風災後,即將遷村的「泰武村」和所屬「泰武鄉」為描寫主體,消息來源包含當地咖啡農、仕紳及政府機關。報導時序起自日據時代泰武咖啡種植史,歷經時代變革,咖啡於原鄉一度消寂,爾後乘著近代社會咖啡熱潮,再次受人矚目。報導內容則敘說泰武咖啡推廣至今,所遭遇之問題及現況;以及泰武村遷村後,咖啡產業如何再求發展。


On August 8th, 2009, Typhoon Morakot swept through Taiwan, causing incalculable losses in the regions of Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung, among others. Metropolitan areas on the plains, as well as aboriginal tribes in the rural areas, were devastated. Due to the loss of home and a habitable environment suffered by some communities, the government offered to relocate entire villages to safer locales. The government hoped to move certain tribal communities to the plains, where they would have a more hospitable environment to flourish in. But in the face of such a policy, the aboriginal tribes were much conflicted. Their customs, culture, and way of life could not help but clash with that of the Han Chinese, which makes up over ninety percent of the Taiwanese population. Their rural economy and farming methods were ill-suited to adapt to the metropolitan market. This in-depth report focuses on the coffee industry in Taiwu, a rural township in Pingtung County. By observing the changes Typhoon Morakot brought upon the township, and by conducting field research, this report aspires to present the past, present, and future of the Taiwu coffee industry. The subject of this in-depth report is Taiwu Village, and the Taiwu Township to which it belongs, in the wake of Typhoon Morakot. Taiwu Village is slated for relocation. Sources of data include local coffee farmers, the local gentry, and the local government. The timeline of this report spans from colonial times, when the Japanese first planted coffee in Taiwan; to a period when the coffee industry was largely neglected; to when it was revived due to modern coffee consumption. We report upon the problems faced by the Taiwu coffee industry in recent times, as well as how the industry aims to survive after Taiwu Village is relocated.


〈白米社區歷史沿革〉(無日期)。上網日期:2010年5月24日,取自蘭陽資訊網網頁 http://www.lanyangnet.com.tw/ilpoint/su07/。
林佩璇(2006)。《以社會資本理論探討影響社區產業發展因素之研究 以八翁社區為例》。國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所碩士論文。


