  • 學位論文


Studies on flowering physiology and regulation in Hylocereus sp.

指導教授 : 楊雯如 林宗賢


台灣紅龍果(Hylocereus sp.)於5月至10月開花,9月至隔年5月抽梢,為了解日長對紅龍果萌芽時期及類型的影響,本研究於2006年1月至4月,藉由新枝條10%短截修剪,促使刺座於不同自然日長下萌芽,觀察芽體類型的轉變。紅龍果花芽初萌於4月,在營養生長轉變為生殖生長期間,可觀察到四類新生芽體,包括典型枝條、部分呼喚型枝條、部分呼喚型花苞以及典型花苞。其中,部分呼喚型芽體大量萌生於4至5月間,推估這時期的光周環境為花芽創始的要件。於2009年6月至12月試驗光週期對芽體萌發類型的影響。縮短夏季日長(8小時)可抑制枝條遠軸端的刺座萌生花芽,而且促使枝條近軸端抽梢。在9月秋分至12月冬至間給予暗期中斷,可以促使花芽形成。其臨界日長推估接近12小時。於9月秋分至隔年3月春分間,給予暗期中斷處理可以生產異時果。為提高紅龍果於冬季產期調節的萌花量,本試驗利用夏季持續疏花及95%重度遮陰的方式,抑制果實生產,並於秋冬季進行4小時暗期中斷處理,評估冬季產調後的萌花量。結果顯示,搭配重度遮陰與夏季持續疏花處理,來花枝率是對照組的2.6至3.3倍,分別為15.9%與20.3%。抑制夏季植株著果,可有效提高冬季產調萌花量。


Red pitaya (Hylocereus sp.), which flowers between May and October and sprouts between November and May in Taiwan. The objectives of the study include investigating the effects of sprouts and it types in natural daylength. We conducted experiments with 10% heading-back pruning, promoted shoot sprouting, and observed the transformation in bud types from January to April in 2006. The floral bud formation occurs in April, four bud types including normal shoot, partial evocation shoot, partial evocation flower and normal flower duration from vegetative transformed into reproductive type. The partial evocation buds major formation occurs between April and May, we assumed photoperiod was the major environment factor in floral initiation in this period. To understand the effect of bud types in different photoperiods, studies were conducted from June to December in 2009. Shortening summer daylength to 8 h inhibited the areoles at the distal end of the shoots to develop into floral buds and promoted sprouting at the proximal ends of the shoots. Night-breaking treatment between the September equinox and the winter solstice led to floral bud formation. The critical daylength seemed to be 12 hours. To enhance the amount of off-season crop, we conducted the experiments on inhibiting fruited with continuous flower thinning and 95% shading in summer and followed treatment 4 hours night-breaking in winter. The ratio of flowering shoot of 95% shading and continuous flower thinning was 2.6 to 3.3 times higher than control, 15.9% and 20.3% respectively. Inhibiting pitaya fruited in summer; we could enhance off-season crop production in winter


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徐逸誠(2017)。利用 CPPU 檢定紅龍果花芽創始的過程〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201702016

