  • 學位論文


Carbon Footprint of Wood Product -A Case Study of Wooden Stool

指導教授 : 邱祈榮


近年來,人類活動造成了環境汙染、生態破壞和氣候變化等現象浮現,目前以二氧化碳等溫室氣體引起的全球暖化問題最為嚴重,在此背景下,低碳經濟應運而生。低碳經濟是以低耗能、低排放及低汙染為基礎的經濟模式,碳足跡(Carbon Footprint)評估正是發展低碳經濟的第一步,碳足跡為一項服務或產品的整個生命週期所直接與間接產生的二氧化碳排放量。而本研究是以林產品-木製板凳為碳足 跡的研究對象,研究方法採生命週期評估法,範圍包含原料開採、製造和配送銷售、使用及廢棄處理階段來進行數據蒐集。 研究結果得知:本試驗的板凳材積為0.005334 m3,此板凳生命周期的碳排放量共排出1.98 kgCO2e,而生命週期各階段的碳排放量大小依序為: 製造階段>原料開採階段>配送銷售階段>廢棄處理階段>使用階段,製造階段中,以塗裝和木材加工作業的碳排放量最高。此外,板凳淨碳素貯存量為0.48 kg,換言之,它相當於將1.65公斤的二氧化碳儲存起來,証實此板凳是一項對環境友善的綠色產品。最後,本研究期望能提供林產品生命週期評估之部分碳足跡數據,以作為日後相關林產品研究或碳足跡計算之參考依據,如此可證明木材是省能源、固碳功能的永續利用產品。


Phenomena of environmental pollution, ecological damage, and climate change which are resulted by human activities have become more and more serious in recent decades. The most significant issue is global warming caused by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2). This leads to low carbon economy which is a model based on low consumption, low emission, and low pollution. The first step of it is measuring carbon footprint, a total amount of CO2e emitted directly and indirectly in a whole life cycle of a service or a product. This research studied wood stool with use of life cycle assessment, and the research scope includes data collected in stages from raw material acquisition, manufacturing, transportation and sell, employment, to disposal. The results are four. First, as follow: carbon emission of a wooden stool is 1.98kg CO2e. Second, carbon emission of each stage from high to low are manufacturing, raw material acquisition, transportation and sell, disposal, and employment. Third, in the stage of manufacturing, the highest carbon was emitted in coating and processing. Fourth, net carbon storage of a wooden stool is 0.48kg which proves it as a green product. This study expects to provide carbon footprint data as a reference and also as a evidence that prove wood energy-saved, carbon fixed, and sustainable.


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