  • 學位論文

垂直水平架構下產品研發虛擬整合策略 — 以F 集團為例

A Study of Virtual Product Development Strategy —A Case Study of F Group

指導教授 : 許瑋元


本論文主要為個案電子代工集團在面對資訊科技日新月異,技術與產品更新的速度越來越快,以及使用者對於創新與性價比的期待不停更迭的這種高度競爭的環境下,如何在產品開發的策略上做出差異化,去因應未來品牌消長與通路的變異,以期在電子商務市場出海口銜接,找出新的產品開發方程式,在這個競爭白熱化的電子代工市場,重啟新的成長引擎。 本研究以文獻分析與個案討論方式探討產品開發的策略,在F集團高度水平與垂直整合的基礎上,如何以虛擬整合與策略性委外的策略,運用極具彈性的研發程序與組織,擬定產品的研發的方向,進行產品開發的流程,分析並歸納出: ●虛擬整合產品開發的策略 ●委外的策略考量與交易成本分析 ●虛擬整合組織形態與管理議題分析 ●虛擬整合下的效益分析 ●與ICT4.0、電子商務、小眾經濟結合的優勢 希望為未來的專案提出一個新的產品開發的策略, 利用垂直水平優勢,與運用虛擬整合的專案執行,開發出能夠銜接電商平台更具競爭優勢的產品。


This dissertation examines how an electronic information technology foundry group, the Group F, develops its product development in order to respond to the rapid changing business environment where the competition for new products and innovation has intensified. In this study, literature review and case discussions would explore different ways of product development strategy. We then conduct an empirical case study, the Group F, to height horizontal and vertical integration process. We found the combination the virtual integration and strategic outsourcing can help the organization to create a highly flexible R & D programs and organizational structure. This flexible structure further facilitate the creation of new product development and the redesign of production development process. The followings are the major focuses of this dissertation:,: ●Integrated virtual product development strategy ●Outsourcing strategy considerations and transaction cost perspectives ●Virtual integration of organizational forms and management issues ●Benefit analysis under virtual integration ●Advantage for e-commerce and a small minority of the economy We conclude with the suggestion for future practices: the use of vertical and horizontal strengths, and use of virtual integration project execution , to develop electronic business platform can converge more competitive products.


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