  • 學位論文


Competition Strategy Analysis of the Fitness Equipment Industry – A Case Study of Johnson Health Tech. Co. Ltd.

指導教授 : 周雍強


由於經濟的成長及社會的發展,人們對於健康相關需求日趨重視,加上許多研究指出運動與疾病預防的直接相關程度,歐美等先進國家鼓勵及宣導民眾多從事健身運動。由於美國仍為目前全球健身器材產業的最大消費市場,因此全球前十大的健身器材生產廠商大都是以美國公司為主。在前十大的生產廠商當中主要可以區分為三個等級。主要廠商之一為Icon,以生產中低價位產品為主,主攻大型的連鎖賣場(家用市場為主);另一家重點廠商則是主攻商用市場產品的Life Fitness,該公司也是美國各大健身俱樂部的主要供應商;而國內的喬山科技為亞洲第一大健康器材生產及銷售廠商。因此在全球前五大商用品牌廠商佔據高達70﹪市場的情況下,全球健身器材產業的集中度相當高。 喬山健康科技股份限公司(Johnson Healthy Tech.Co.,Ltd.)成立於1975 年,初期生產啞鈴及其它舉重器材為主,並代工生產歐美地區主要的健身器材。公司後來轉型為以自有品牌的健身器材銷售為主,OEM代工為輔,並專注推廣自有品牌的健身器材。喬山公司在2003~2006年成長快速,公司的獲利率高達為46~49%,也是健身器材產業的黃金時期。然由於受到美國房市需求減緩與次級房貸等衝擊美國市場需求,從2007年開始,公司獲利開始趨緩,到2009年,淨利率甚至為-0.6%。由於喬山公司營收主要以歐美市場為主,比重高達80%,其中又以美國地區最高,比重高達75%(2006年),單一市場的仰賴程度過高。當該地區經濟衰退,例如:前幾年的美國次級房貸及近年的歐債危機,對於喬山營收及獲利都會造成很大的衝擊。 本文為健身器材產業競爭策略分析,並以喬山科技為主要的個案分析研究對象。藉由分析產業的發展狀況,並輔以Michael Porter競爭策略的五力分析,分析在成長趨於飽和的健身器材產業,喬山科技該採取何種策略才能繼續維持其成長動能。此外,就健身器材產業的主要競爭者來比較,本文也分析研究喬山科技的目標市場定位,考量公司優勢,並找出喬山可以發展的空間及努力方向。就核心競爭力來看,喬山科技是否可以藉由技術創新及服務創新來開拓新市場?並增加市場佔有率? 也是本論文研究的重點。


Due to economic growth and social development, people increase the health-related needs.Many studies show that sport is directly related to the disease prevention.The United States is still the largest consumer market in the global fitness equipment industry, and most of the worldwide top ten manufacturers of fitness equipment are American companies. One of the main manufacturers is Icon, who is mainly production in the low-priced home .The other main manufacturer is Life Fitness,a major U.S.health supplier, who is mainly production in the commercial market . Johnson is the largest fitness equipment manufacturer in Asian. In general, the worldwide top five fitness equipment manufacturers occupy up to 70% of the market. To sum up, the global fitness equipment industry concentration is quite high. Johnson Health Tech. Co., Ltd.was founded in 1975, whose the initial production are dumbbells and other weight lifting equipment . In the early stage, Johnson was engaged in OEM business for the European and American customers. The company later transformed into the mainly own brand sales. Johnson’s business grew fast during 2003 to 2006 . The gross margin is up to 46 to 49%, and these years were the golden age of the fitness equipment industry. However, due to the U.S. housing market slowing demand and the economic crisis in 2007, Johnson’s profit began to slow down. In 2009, the net profit margin even down to -0.6%. Since Johnson ‘s revenue is mainly in European and American markets, , and the proportion is up to 75% in 2006 . When the region's economic is downturn, Johnson’s revenue may suffer the great impact. This thesis is the competition strategy analysis of fitness equipment industry. We used Michael Porter five forces competitive strategy analysis to analyze the development of this industry. In order to maintain the growth momentum, Johnson should adopted what kind of strategies . To compare the main competitors, this thesis used Market Position Map to analyse Johnson’s position and strength.In addition, this thesis show that the core competence is very important,including technological and service innovation.


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31.喬山Company Profile 2013.Jan.
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