  • 學位論文


Maximizing Tendency and Regret: The Moderating Role of Regulatory Focus

指導教授 : 林以正


過去研究結果多指出:相較於滿意者,即便極大化者擁有比滿意者更好的物品,但對物品的滿意度、快樂、生活滿意度等均較低,而後悔、憂鬱等均較高(Schwartz, Ward, Monterosso, Lyubomirsky, White, & Lehman, 2002)。然而極大化者真的不快樂嗎?近來研究發現Schwartz等人(2002)所編製之極大化量表混雜太多因素(Nenkov, Morrin, Ward, Schwartz, & Hulland, 2008),而Diab、Gillespie、Consulting及Highhouse(2008)以極大化量表中「高標準」向度做為極大化傾向指標,指出極大化傾向並非必然有較差的心理適應,而是要先經驗到後悔,才會再進一步影響其心理適應。可見極大化傾向(僅高標準意涵)與後悔分別扮演關鍵的角色,這些研究也顯示極大化者中可能有些人過得不錯,有些人過得不好。在本研究中,筆者認為個體的調控焦點動機是一個可能的調節變項,筆者假設極大化者做選擇時採取不同的調控焦點,如促進型調控焦點(promotion focus)或預防型調控焦點(prevention focus),對於其後悔有不同的影響;研究一(a)探討極大化量表及其子向度、極大化傾向量表與正負向心理適應的關係,以重複驗證過去研究,然本研究結果僅部分與過去研究相符。研究一(b)探討個體調控焦點特質對其極大化傾向與後悔的調節效果,結果發現個體調控焦點相對強度對於極大化傾向與後悔程度並未有顯著調節效果。研究二透過操弄調控焦點,探討極大化傾向者較高是否會受調控焦點訊息框架影響其選擇後後悔,結果顯示:極大化傾向越高者,在預防型調控焦點組的選擇後後悔較其在促進型調控焦點組為高。有別於過去研究多侷限於現象層次,本研究進一步以動機理論作為出發點,探討極大化傾向背後的心理歷程,以補足過去研究缺口。


Previous research showed maximizers, who strive for “the best” choice, usually have lower happy and life satisfies, but higher depression and regret than satisfiers, who strive for “good enough” choice (Schwartz, Ward, Monterosso, Lyubomirsky, White, & Lehman, 2002). However, recent studies (Diab, Gillespie, Consulting, & Highhouse, 2008; Nenkov, Morrin, Ward, Schwartz, & Hulland, 2008) suggest that maximization scale combines lots of factors, and the complex factors might confound maximizing contruct and psychological adjustment. Diab and her colleague (2008) develop a maximizing tendency scale, which measure only “ high standard ” component, and found maximizing tendency was not significient with psychological adjustments, but only correlated with regre.They popuse that regret plays an important role in maximizing tendency and psychologial adjustment; The present study purposes that the regulatory foci behind strive the best might influence to maximizers’ regret. Study 1(a) shows the correlations between the two maximizing measure scales and psychological adjustments are partial consistent with past studies. Study 1 (b) indicates that either maximizers or satisfiers are not influenced from chronic regulatory foci relatived-strengh. Study 2 shows that comparing to lower maximizing tendency, higher maximizing tendency show more regret in prevention focus framing than in promotion focus framing. Are maximizers really that unhappy? It depends on the regulatory foci that individuals pursue their best choice and evaluate the object. Implication and application were discussed in term of maximization and regulatory focus literature.


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