  • 學位論文


Competitive Marketing Strategy in the Chinese Luxury Fashion Market

指導教授 : 李吉仁


在二零一二年,中國 (包括香港跟澳門) 已經超越日本,成為全世界第二大的奢侈品市場。但隨著中國經濟環境的放緩,新任領導人打擊貪污、洗錢的決策方向,加上國內基礎建設仍有成長空間,以及外商對盈利的需求,各奢侈品品牌勢必得釐定長遠國際市場競爭策略,才可繼續搶奪這個將會在二零二零年成為世界最大的奢侈品市場。 中國人的奢侈品消費不限於在國內,隨著國外旅遊的開放,國內旅遊人數激增,而大部份遊客都會在國外購買奢侈品,所以,中國人已經成為了全世界購買奢侈品最多的民族,佔據25%的市場。 富裕人仕的增長是國內外奢侈品消費激增的主要原動力。目前中國國內有一億兩仟萬的富裕人仕,估計到了二零二零年,富裕人仕會增加到兩億八仟萬。他們不僅收入增加,對奢侈品的鑑賞力也有明顯提昇。 奢侈品品牌的行銷採取不一樣的商業模式,與大眾商品有著非常不一樣的行銷策略。 他們可以以提高價格,減少銷售點去增加需求; 他們不速銷,不常在網上或行動裝置上銷售,也不太着重生產率。 所以,在管理上有著不一樣的邏輯,在決策上有著不一樣的思維。深入瞭解這些差異對於奢侈時尚消費產品的未來發展有策略上的意涵。


China, including Hong Kong and Macau, has become the second largest luxury market globally in 2012, overtaking Japan. There are different challenges faced by the luxury brands in China from now, namely the slowing down of the economic situation, the attitude towards corruption and money laundering by the new political leadership, the still being developed infrastructure, and continuous profitability concern. Nonetheless, China is expected to be the largest market by 2020. Shopping does not only take place inside China, with increasing number of the Chinese are travelling to overseas, and majority of the travelled are buying luxury products. As a result, Chinese has contributed 25% of the luxury market in 2012 – the largest nationality in the world. The growth has been, and will be, driven by the growing number of affluent in China. There are 120 million of affluent consumers now and it is expected that this will reach 280 million by 2020. They are not only growing in numbers, but also growing in sophistication, which will help them to appreciate the luxury goods and services. Luxury brands adopt different marketing strategies compared to the mass brands. They increase price, decrease distribution and availability to increase demand. They do not aggressively promote, and focus on exclusive VIP, private events, and events. They tend not to sell over the internet or mobile platforms. They focus on hand-made and unique products, but not on mass production. These principles are indeed different from the mass brands, and take the luxury brands to different management requirements and decision making models. Implications for future business development of luxury brands in China are discussed.


Kapferer J.N. and Bastien V. (2012). The Luxury Strategy, Break the rules of Marketing to build Luxury Brands, Kogan Page
GroupM (2011). The Voice of Luxury: Social Media and Luxury Brands in China (www.groupm.com/‎)
UBS Investment Research (2013). What is happening to the Chinese tourists? (http://www.ubs.com/)
Business of Fashion http://www.businessoffashion.com (accessed Jan 2012 - March 2013)
The Globe and Mail http://www.theglobeandmail.com
