  • 學位論文


Family Without Consanguinity: New Patterns of Family Structure

指導教授 : 范雲 林照真


隨著社會的發展,台灣的家庭形態越來越多元,除了單親、同居、繼親等另類家庭之外,開始有另一種家庭的浮現。這些家庭的組成不再以婚姻、血緣關係為基礎,而是立基於深厚的友情,以及共同的興趣、信仰、生命經歷等。他們共同居住在一起,互相照顧、互相扶持,並視彼此為家人,這樣的家庭本論文稱為「多人家庭」。 本論文分成三大部分。第一章到第五章,描寫多人家庭的實踐方式,包含他們的成家原因、相處方式、金錢共享、家事分工、可能遭遇的衝突等。透過真實案例的實踐可知,這些家庭打破舊有體制,重新賦予家庭新的意義,並改寫家庭的內部結構。這樣的另類家庭,不僅僅只有同志族群,異性戀也組成了這樣的家庭。 第六章與第七章,將帶領讀者探討多人家庭所面臨的法律困境。我國法律並未承認這些家庭的存在,這意味著家庭成員彼此是沒有關係的「陌生人」。法律賦予家庭的醫療權、繼承權、扶養義務等權益,並無法適用在多人家庭。訪問中的多人家庭多期望,法律能儘早賦予他們應有的權利。 第八章為整篇報導做總結。多人家庭打破既有家庭形式,讓婚姻與血緣不再是成家的唯一方式,這樣的另類家庭仍在增加,社會實應多加關注。 本報導透過滾雪球的方式,找到將近十個多人家庭願意分享他們的故事。希望透過這篇報導,讓更多人認識多元家庭,也期待增加社會不同族群間的相互理解。


多人家庭 多元成家 同志 家庭 異性戀


With the development of society, family structure in Taiwan has increasingly diversified. In addition to single-parent, cohabitation, blended families and other atypical families, another type of family structure has emerged. These newly emerging families are no longer based on marital ties or consanguinity, but rather upon lasting bonds of friendship and shared interests, religious beliefs or experiences. They live together, take care of each other and view each other as family members. This thesis uses the term “multi-person family” to describe such unions. This thesis is divided into three major sections. Chapter One to Chapter Five elaborates on how multi-person families work in practice, including their origins, modes of interaction, common ownership of wealth, division of domestic labor and potential sources of conflict. As real-life cases can demonstrate, multi-person families mark a break from traditional institutions by redefining the meaning of the family and rewriting its internal structure. Such alternative families are not limited to the LGBT community, but also seen among heterosexual people. Chapters Six and Seven discuss legal difficulties encountered by multi-person families. As Taiwanese law does not officially recognize such families, from a legal standpoint, members of these families are classified as “strangers” to one another. Legal rights guaranteed by the law to most families, such as medical rights, inheritance and adoption, are not applicable to multi-person families. The multi-person families interviewed in this study hope for their rights to be protected by law as soon as possible. Chapter Eight presents the conclusion of the entire thesis. Multi-person families mark a break from existing family structures, making marital ties and consanguinity no longer the only basis to form a family. Society should devote more attention to such alternative families, which are still increasing. This thesis found nearly ten multi-person families that were willing to share their stories, through snowball sampling. Through this study, the author aims to encourage more people to learn about multi-person families, as well as increase mutual understanding among different groups in society.


吳瑾嫣 (2000)。〈女性遊民研究:家的另類意涵〉,《應用心理研究》,8:83-120。
