  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Distributed Traceability System for Smart Factories based on Blockchain Technology

指導教授 : 施吉昇


在競爭激烈的市場中,如何提高生產效率、產品品質管理都是現今開發商和工廠所面臨的挑戰,由於缺乏機台資料整合及生產回溯追蹤,要找出問題根源並不容易。在現代的工廠中,生產流程上可能會有生產線合併或是分支等情形,每台生產線上的機台都會紀錄大量的傳感器數據以及機台資訊,但現今的工廠管理系統未必能有效地運用及負荷如此龐大的數據。 在這份研究中,我們設計一套基於區塊鏈的分散式生產流程追溯系統,並且在輕量級裝置的物聯網上實作,目的是提升工廠生產線的穩定性,降低生產不良率,最佳化工廠生產效能。去中心化的架構擁有部份容錯性以及可擴性,並且能夠更穩定的運作,發揮分散式系統的潛能。有了較佳的可擴性以及資料整合性,分散式帳本網路能夠在蒐集資料的同時確保資料安全並且有實力建造公開生產追溯系統,允許多家工廠在不用互相信任的前提下一同打造公開透明的生產追溯生態系統。


In today's competitive business environment, manufacturing enterprises are facing the challenges of productivity improvement, product and process quality management due to the lack of data interaction and manufacturing process traceability. In modern factory, number of machineries are pipelined into assembly/production lines which may merge and branch to meet the procedure requirements. Each machine on the assembly line produce huge amount of sensing data and manufacturing data. However, many manufacturing system are not ready to manage big data. This thesis aims on developing the distributed traceability system with Blockchain technology on IoT devices in order to improve the stability of the factory production line, to reduce defect rate and to bring the operational performance to a new level. Without depending on centralized storage, it is a robust, truly distributed peer-to-peer system and capable of node failure tolerance. With better scalability and data interaction, this distributed ledger network enables the use of data collection with security and potential of public traceability system protocol which allows multiple factories to participate, build an ecosystem of traceability together.


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